lundi 29 août 2011

Erasmus Mundus Mater Programme "Food innovation and products design"

Dear Friends,
I am happy to give you here the detail of the launching seminar of our new master programme FIPDES :

Erasmus Mundus Master Course
Food Innovation and Product Design
Food Innovation and Product Design SEMINAR
Wednesday, 31 August, 2011.
Amphiteatre 7, AgroParisTech – Maine Center
19, avenue du Maine

Innovation and food design perspectives (Chairman: J. Delarue, AgroParisTech,
9h00 Consumer science & food innovation (J. Delarue, APT, France)
9h30 Food innovation: the point of view of Food industry (Y. Champenois, Danone,
10h30 Coffee break
PhD students’ session (Chairman: J. Delarue, AgroParisTech, France)
11h00 Conception of tailored biscuits with satiety benefit: physico-chemical, nutritional and
sensory optimization (C. Petitjean, APT-UMR Genial, France)
11h15 Effect of processing on rheological, structural and sensory properties of apple puree
(L. Espinosa, APT-UMR Genial)
11h30 Study and improvement of the stability of vegetable oils using natural antioxidants:
contribution of chemometric methods (F. Ammari, APT-UMR Genial)
11h45 In-mouth flavor release during eating a solid food product: mechanistic modeling and
experimental validation ( M. Doyennette, APT-UMR GMPA).
12h00-14h30 around a buffet: Poster session and networking with PhD students
Innovation in the healthy food sector (Chairman: V. Fogliano, Università Federico
II, Italy)
14h30 Health issues and functional foods Innovation in the healthy food sector (Vincenzo
Fogliano, Federico II University, Italy)
15h15 Food, Functional Foods, Nutrition and Health Contemporary Issues (D. Bastos,
School of Public Health - São Paulo University, Brazil).
Concluding remarks

samedi 27 août 2011

From our Argentina friends

¨Algo están tramando...entre el gluten y las levaduras...¨

Taller largo de amasado de pan. ¿Cómo modifica el amasado y la fermentación el resultado final?. La fermentación previa, la temperatura, etc. Estas son algunas de las preguntas que contestaremos a lo largo del taller que acompañaremos con experimentos en los cuales participarán todos los asistentes.Traer delantal.

Sábado 10 de septiembre 2011 de 15 a 18:30/19 hs

ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest ( Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cuál es el costo?
$100 y se abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento (traer delantal)
Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo por mail a: ( enviar teléfono de contacto al momento de solicitar la inscripción)
La reserva de vacante se hará efectiva una vez que hayas recibido el mail de confirmación de la misma.

Los esperamos !
Mariana y Silvia

Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular

samedi 20 août 2011

Sorry, but I had the feeling that I should change

Sorry, but I realized that the topic of the 2012 Course on Molecular Gastronomy should change for "Note by Note Cuisine".
Indeed, in spite of all the preparative work already done on "definitions", it seems very important to help my friends to cook note by note

Vive la gourmandise éclairée!