mardi 17 avril 2012

From our Argentinan Friends

"Las espumas: esa sutileza tan difícil de conseguir"
Jueves 26 de abril, a las 19 hs
Inscribite ya!

Taller Seminario – Las espumas: espumas de huevo, espumas de claras, espumas de yemas, espumas de crema, espumas de lecitina, aires, La ciencia detrás de la construcción de las espumas en general. Las particularidades de cada ingrediente - La influencia de la metodología, los ingredientes, el tiempo y muchas cosas más. Estas son algunas de las preguntas que contestaremos a lo largo del taller que acompañaremos con experimentos en los cuales participarán todos los asistentes. Se sugiere traer delantal para participar activamente.

Jueves 26 de abril de 19 a 21:30 hs
ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest ( Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cuál es el costo?
$120 y se abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento (traer delantal)
Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo por mail a:  (enviar teléfono de contacto al momento de solicitar la inscripción)
La reserva de vacante se hará efectiva una vez que hayas recibido el mail de confirmación de la misma. 

Los esperamos ! 
Mariana y Silvia 

mardi 10 avril 2012

Séminaire NYC

The April  meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective will take place on Monday, April 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. at LightHouse restaurant in Brooklyn: 145 Borinquen Place (corner of Keap). To get there by subway, take the L train to Lorimer or J, M, Z train to Marcy. This meeting is part of the 2012 Umami Food & Art Festival, with our thanks to festival director Yael Raviv and Naama Tamir, owner of Lighthouse.   
In their presentation, "Elemental: Shaping our Process for Culinary Evolution," Robert Truitt (executive pastry chef of Altamarea Group) and Brian Sullivan (Ai Fiori) will walk the audience through their creative process by examining design-related theory, cognitive understanding as it pertains to the culinary world, and the influence on the creative process that business occasionally supersedes. Attendees will not only get a visual sense for some of their past works, but also a demonstration incorporating some of the processes and theories that guide their work.

Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know so that your seat can be released. Thank you.  

All my best,


Anne E. McBride
Director, Experimental Cuisine Collective

dimanche 1 avril 2012

The next meeting will take place the 23th of April

Beware: our next meeting, for the Group for the study of culinary precisions (formerly Seminar on Molecular Gastronomy) will not take place the 16th of April, but rather the 23 !
From 4.00 to 6.00 PM, as usual.

We shall study the filtering of flour, for genoise, pancakes, béchamel sauces, choux pastry.

As generally, the meeting will take place at  Ecole supérieure de cuisine française,  28 bis rue de l'abbé Grégoire, 75006 Paris.