Hello all,
Our May ECC meeting will take place on Monday, May 20, from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Chemistry Department at NYU, room 1003 (31 Washington Place,
between Washington Square Park and Greene Street). You will need a
photo ID to enter the building.
Our speaker will be Jonathan Russell-Anelli, Senior Lecture and Senior Extension Associate in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. In his talk, Food, Soil, and Sustainable Urban Design, he will discuss
soil - this integral component of the terrestrial ecosystem - in
context of our food system and urban sustainability. We will pay initial
attention to a number of principle soil concepts and their relation to
plant production to lay the ground work for a larger presentation on
vegetable production, urban agriculture and urban soils. Discussion is
invited throughout with particular emphasis on examination of vegetable
production and (urban) soil management. Time permitting we intend to
introduce some simple field test to assess soils and your hands will get
dirty. So come prepared!
For more complete description and bio, click here.
Russell-Anelli is a Senior Lecture and Senior Extension Associate in the
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. His
research and extension responsibilities are focused on the nature and
properties of soils with particular interests of urban soil, urban
agriculture/community gardening, soil contamination and soil management
practices. He works throughout NYS and NYC examining the spatial
distribution and variability of soil characteristics in the urban
environment. His major project areas includes investigations of
contaminant distribution in relation to soil processes, land use and
land management in a variety of urban centers in the Northeast, the
Mid-Atlantic, the Mid-West and Eastern Europe.
Please RSVP at ecc052013.eventbrite.com. A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know right away so that your seat can be released---thank you!
All my best,
---- Anne E. McBride Director, Experimental Cuisine Collective
Experimental Cuisine Collective is a working group that assembles
scholars, scientists, chefs, writers, journalists, performance artists,
and food enthusiasts. We launched in April 2007, as a result of the
collaboration of Kent Kirshenbaum of the chemistry department and Amy
Bentley of the nutrition, food studies, and public health department at
New York University with Chef Will Goldfarb of WillPowder. Our overall
aim is to develop a broad-based and rigorous academic approach that
employs techniques and approaches from both the humanities and sciences
to examine the properties, boundaries, and conventions of food.
Visit the ECC online at www.experimentalcuisine.com.