From Anne McBribe, in New York :
Hello all,
Sorry for the lag in between meetings this year---it's been a busy period for us. Amy Bentley's new book,
Baby Food (not an affiliate link so click in
peace), was released this past fall, and I have one coming out in a few
months. But we look forward to seeing you this spring, starting with our February meeting, which will take place
Monday, February 23, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. (note the time)
in the
Chemistry Department at NYU, room 1003 (31 Washington Place, between
Washington Square Park and Greene Street). You will need a photo ID to
enter the building.
Lee DeHaan has been a plant breeder at The Land
Institute since 2001. Raised on a farm in Minnesota, he has a strong
background in the everyday challenges of agriculture. His focus is
development of Kernza (wheatgrass) as a perennial grain. Lee
earned a B.A. in Plant Science and Biology at Dordt College, and M.S
and Ph.D. degrees in Agronomy, specializing in Agro-ecology, at the
University of Minnesota.
Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know right away so that your seat can be released---thank you!
All my best,
Anne E. McBride
Director, Experimental Cuisine Collective