vendredi 14 avril 2017

Another teacher of the Hautes Etudes du Goût : Sidonie Naulin

Every week, I am happy to tell you about the teachers of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Gastronomy, Hautes Etudes du Goût.

This week  : Sidonie Naulin

Sidonie Naulin is assistant professor of sociologie at Sciences Po Grenoble and in the Pacte Laboratory. She is studiying economic sociology, media sociology and food sociology.

A former students of the Ecole Normale Supérieur, with an agregation in social sciences, she did her PhD at the University Paris Sorbonne on food critic, trying to understand how is produced the information about food.
This PhD was published as a book in June 2017 (Presses universitaires de Rennes). From discussions, interviews, observations and a quantitative survey of text statistics, this book deals with the environment of culinary and gastronomic journalism. This history of this activity is done, and its current market is analyzed. Some chapters deal with particular biographies, daily work and celebrity analysis of some food critics, envisioning also  the new competitors who are food bloggers.

Today, she is interested by the biographies of chefs. She is participating to the ANR Capla project, in which she is doing a survey of chefs cooking in homes using internet sites for making contacts with customers.
She is going to study the biographies of cooks from data given by the LinkedIn social network.

mardi 11 avril 2017

The Iqemusu company is on the road. Champagne !

Iqemusu, the first society to sell pure tasting notes for
avant-garde chefs, launches its store:

Note-by-note cooking is now available to any chefs in 
the world. Iqemusu launches its website and presents its first range, composed by 24 culinary notes related to the smell. Each chef can now sublimate its dishes thanks to various olfactory experiments. Grab a bottle and let yourself be carried away by the scents that open the doors of a world to be built.

Go to to ask for our catalog and pre-order
online the first notes of a culinary universe free from any
taste barriers.

All pre-orders will be shipped on April 24th.
May I repeat that I don't get a penny for this kind of announcement, nor in the company. But I shall promote any note by note initiative

jeudi 6 avril 2017

Remarkable teachers for the Hautes Etudes du Goût : Pascal Schlich

Pascal Schlich teaches at the Hautes Etudes du Goût :

Pascal Schlich is a director of research with the INRA and the scientific leader of the ChemoSens platform at the Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation in Dijon. He holds a Ph.D. in statistics from the University Paris XI and the accreditation for tutoring Ph.Ds from the Burgundy University. His research deals with sensometrics (statistics for sensory sciences) and the study of consumer preferences. Pascal Schlich has signed or co-signed a hundred of scientific articles or book chapters and is the co-inventor of the TimeSens® software. He teaches sensometrics at AgroSup Dijon, ENSAI Rennes and Montpellier University and is an international consultant for several industries.

Sensory profiling is a technique of sensory analysis recording attributes intensities, but providing no indication on the sequence along which these attributes are perceived. Pascal Schlich and his team developed the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method about 12 years ago to fill in this gap. In TDS the subject is asked to indicate at any time the “dominant” attribute, the one trigging his/her attention, not necessarily the most intense one.
TDS has become a reference method in sensory analysis. Contrarily to sensory profiling, it can be used with no training, thus by consumer panels. It makes it possible to pair TDS to dynamic recording of liking, satiation and emotions along the consumption of the full portion of a food or beverage in order to identify the temporal drivers of these three features.

mardi 4 avril 2017

Very happy !

Dear Friends
Very happy to tell you the creation of a company selling note by note products  !

See :
