mardi 20 mars 2012

From our Argentinan friends

No te quedes afuera!! 
Ya está abierta la inscripción para el Curso Oficial para Manipuladores de Alimentos, exigido por el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, que realizaremos durante los días 16, 18 y 23 de Abril, en el Hotel 
Ker - Belgrano.

Lunes 16 de abril de 15 a 18 hs
Miércoles 18 de abril de 15 a 18 hs
Lunes 23 de abril de 15 a 19 hs (Examen)
Vuelta de Obligado 2727 -  Ker Belgrano 

Cual es el costo?

250$ (doscientos cincuenta pesos) 

Bajo el lema Aprender puede ser divertido, encararemos el proceso de aprendizaje, realizando actividades y juegos que permitan adquirir conocimientos casi sin darse cuenta.

Solicitar el formulario de inscripción con las instrucciones sobre la documentación necesaria y los datos para realizar el pago vía e mail a:  o a
Invitamos a los interesados en realizar cursos en sus establecimientos a que nos escriban  un 
mail solicitando presupuesto.

Cierre de inscripción: 10/04/2012 

samedi 10 mars 2012

A list of lectures

Le site de l’INRA comporte une section consacrée à la gastronomie moléculaire, avec des liens vers de nombreux sites où figurent des travaux :……

On y trouve notamment la liste des conférences prévues (presque à jour) avec des contacts :

13 mars 2012 : Formation Agreenium
Contact : Stéphane Guilbert,

14 mars 2012 : Festival de cinéma scientifique, Liège, Belgique
Contact : présidence de Gembloux AgroBioTech

16 mars 2012 : Conférence à Limours
contact : Etienne Guyon,

18 mars 2012 : Ouverture du Salon Egast, Strasbourg
Contact: Maurice Roeckel

19 mars 2012 : Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires, Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, Centre Jean Ferrandi de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 16 à 18 heures.
Contact :

22 mars 2012 : Congrès des sciences séparatives
contact : Didier Thiébaut,

24 mars 2012 : Cité des sciences, Paris
Contact :

30 mars 2012 : Colloque Sceaux
contact ; Pr Jean-Paul Branlard

5 avril 2012 : Ajaccio
Contact : François Casabianca,

15 avril 2012 : Conférences Anniversaire de l'Université McGill, Montréal, Canada.
contact :

16 avril 2012 : Conférence et cocktail Note à note à l'Institut technique d'hôtellerie du Québec, Montréal
Contact : Paul Caccia,

19 avril 2012 : Conférence au CRDA de Saint-Hyacinthe
contact : Véronique Fournier,

25 avril 2012 : Cours au Collège Belgique, Bruxelles
Contact : Collège Belgique,

12 mai 2012 : Conférence à l'Université populaire,  avec Pierre Gagnaire
Contact : MIchel Onfray

15 mai 2012 : Conférence Université de Montpellier
contact : Isabelle Lefebvre-Tournier,

21 mai 2012 : Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires, Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, Centre Jean Ferrandi de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 16 à 18 heures.
Contact :

24 mai 2012 : Concours Science & Cuisine, Nantes
Contact : Ponan

29 mai 2012 : Conférence CRPP Bordeaux
Contact : Patrick Snabre,

31 mai 2012 : Conférence Opera des sciences, Centre INRA Paris, 147 rue de l'Université, 75007
contact : Patricia Watenberg

18 juin 2012 : Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires, Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, Centre Jean Ferrandi de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 16 à 18 heures.
Contact :

11 juillet 2012 : EOF Dublin, la Cuisine Note à Note
Contact : Claude Detrez, ambassade de France.

10 octobre 2012 : Conférence pour les enseignants : Ateliers expérimentaux du goût et Ateliers science & cuisine, AgroParisTech, Paris (fête de la science 2012)
contact : Marie Claude Mombet,

11 octobre 2012 : Conférence pour les élèves "Fête de la science",   AgroParisTech, Paris
contact : Marie Claude Mombet,

12 octobre 2012 : Année de la gastronomie, Bruxelles, Belgique
Contact :

15 octobre 2012 :
Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires, Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, Centre Jean Ferrandi de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 16 à 18 heures.
Contact :

16 octobre 2012 : Cours de gastronomie moléculaire, Hautes Etudes du Goût
Contact : Edwige Sibille

19 novembre 2012 : Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires, Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, Centre Jean Ferrandi de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 16 à 18 heures.
Contact :

17 décembre 2012 : Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires, Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, Centre Jean Ferrandi de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 16 à 18 heures.
Contact :

What can the advisor "ask" to students?

In a friend email, I could say that he was discussing the issue of how much an advisor should ask to students ?

Here is my proposed answer :
Indeed the sentence about advisors asking too much is very interesting.
Advisors ? They advise. The individuals are fully responsible for their work. It took me years to understand that, but now it's clear for me... as many of my young friends could tell you.

Then the advisors should not ask much or little. He/she should not ask anything.
Either students do well, and they stay in an active group, or they don't do enough, and they depart, because they would spoil the high spirit of the team.

Let us also remember that life is difficult for some of us: low money, jobs outside, poor (intellectually) family, health problems... The advisor, in my idea, is there to be a friend, just like referees: friendly people asking questions to make others be sure of what they do.

And to finish : the summum of intelligence is kindness and rightness

lundi 5 mars 2012


More precisely about Cuba's workshop :
1. explore "culinary precisions"
2. sauces

Have a nice meeting

From Argentina

Después de la hermosa experiencia vivida en la La Plata el pasado viernes ( fotos: ):

La Escuela Platense de Arte Culinario invita al taller teórico-prático de:

¨ESFERIFICACIONES (directas, inversas y alcohólicas).Principios teóricos y utilidad de cada una de las técnicas y de los reactivos que se utilizan.
Taller práctico que incluirá todas las técnicas de esferificaciones.

Geles: Estructura básica de los geles. Tipos de sustancias que forman geles. Geles calientes y geles fríos. Iniciación a la técnica de esferificación. Principios teóricos de las distintas técnicas de esferificación. Diferentes métodos y recetas para cada método: esferificaciones directas e inversas. Esferificaciones alcohólicas.

Disertantes: Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum (científicas y prof gastronómico IAG, fundadoras de la Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular)


* Sábado 28 de mayo de 15 a 18 hs


* EPAC Escuela Platense de Arte Culinario Calle 2 No 925 La Plata- Bs As- Argentina

Cuál es el costo?

* estudiantes EPAC: $100 y público general $120

No hacen falta conocimientos previos.Cupos limitados.
Inscripción sólo por mail a:
Teléfonos: 0221-4246122 y 0221-427-8038

Los esperamos !
Mariana y Silvia

Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular

From Anne McBribe, New York, USA

Hello all,

The June meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective will take place on Wednesday, June 15, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Chemistry Department at NYU, room 1003 (31 Washington Place, between Washington Square Park and Greene Street). You will need a photo ID to enter the building.

In his presentation, The Color of Meat (Put a Smoke Ring On It), ECC co-founder and NYU chemistry professor Kent Kirshenbaum will examine the origin of color in meat. What gives a steak its distinctive red color? How reliable is color for determining freshness? Why does meat change color when it is cooked? We will evaluate methods for manipulating meat color. To seal the deal, we will investigate barbecue and the mysterious smoke ring.

Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know so that your seat can be released. Thank you.

All my best,


From friends in Cuba

Hot Topics de las CeBoLLaS

Taller. XXIV Encuentro  de Gastronomía Molecular.

Propiciar el intercambio de experiencia en la disciplina Ciencia y Tecnología Culinaria (conocida internacionalmente como Gastronomía Molecular / Molecular Gastronomy)
Lograr un cambio cultural para alcanzar la educación gastronómica deseada.

TEMÁTICAS. Un Hot Topics de las CeBoLLaS.

Mitos y leyendas de las CeBoLLaS….Que sofrito…..!
El enigmático lagrimeo al corte.
Bondades y noticias de las CeBoLLaS
Pastel sorpresa de CeBoLLaS

¿Dónde? Hotel Meliá Habana. Salón: Tenerife Hora. 9:00am. Día: 12 de Julio

Especialistas invitados.
Chef. Leonardo Greenidge Clark. EHTHabana. FORMATUR
Dra. C. Ileana Vicente Armenteros. Instituto de la Industria Alimenticia. MINAL
Dra. C. Ma. Isabel Lantero Abreu. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. UH
MSc. María Esther Abreu Rojas. EHTHabana. FORMATUR
Chef Pastelero Vicent Mayllard. Hotel Meliá Habana.

Recuerda…….. Ir al encuentro
Más información.
MSc. María Esther Abreu Rojas.
Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de La Habana. FORMATUR

From friends in Cuba

Hot Topics de las CeBoLLaS

Taller. XXIV Encuentro  de Gastronomía Molecular.

Propiciar el intercambio de experiencia en la disciplina Ciencia y Tecnología Culinaria (conocida internacionalmente como Gastronomía Molecular / Molecular Gastronomy)
Lograr un cambio cultural para alcanzar la educación gastronómica deseada.

TEMÁTICAS. Un Hot Topics de las CeBoLLaS.

Mitos y leyendas de las CeBoLLaS….Que sofrito…..!
El enigmático lagrimeo al corte.
Bondades y noticias de las CeBoLLaS
Pastel sorpresa de CeBoLLaS

¿Dónde? Hotel Meliá Habana. Salón: Tenerife Hora. 9:00am. Día: 12 de Julio

Especialistas invitados.
Chef. Leonardo Greenidge Clark. EHTHabana. FORMATUR
Dra. C. Ileana Vicente Armenteros. Instituto de la Industria Alimenticia. MINAL
Dra. C. Ma. Isabel Lantero Abreu. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. UH
MSc. María Esther Abreu Rojas. EHTHabana. FORMATUR
Chef Pastelero Vicent Mayllard. Hotel Meliá Habana.

Recuerda…….. Ir al encuentro
Más información.
MSc. María Esther Abreu Rojas.
Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de La Habana. FORMATUR

From our US friends.

Hello all,

The October meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective will take place on Saturday, October 15, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Chemistry Department at NYU, room 1003 (31 Washington Place, between Washington Square Park and Greene Street). You will need a photo ID to enter the building.

In his presentation, The Prism of Flavors, White House Executive Pastry Chef Bill Yosses will focus on emulsions, foams, and gels to discuss how he seeks to better understand ingredients and techniques. As he takes us from the beginning of cooking to today's technology, he will also demonstrate recipes that illustrate the principles driving his pastry work.

Chef Yosses, author of The Perfect Finish, joined the White House in 2007. There, his role also includes beekeeping and gardening, in line with First Lady Michelle Obama's efforts to promote healthy eating. During his outstanding career in New York restaurants, he ran the pastry kitchens of Josephs Citarella, Bouley, Tavern on the Green, and Montrachet. Click here for a 2010 New York Times profile.

Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know so that your seat can be released. Thank you.

All my best,


Anne E. McBride
Director, Experimental Cuisine Collective
The Experimental Cuisine Collective is a working group that assembles scholars, scientists, chefs, writers, journalists, performance artists, and food enthusiasts. We launched in April 2007, as a result of the collaboration of Kent Kirshenbaum of the chemistry department and Amy Bentley of the nutrition, food studies, and public health department at New York University with Chef Will Goldfarb of WillPowder. Our overall aim is to develop a broad-based and rigorous academic approach that employs techniques and approaches from both the humanities and sciences to examine the properties, boundaries, and conventions of food.

Visit the ECC online at

A message from NYC

Hello all,
The March  meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective will take place on Wednesday, March 14, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Chemistry Department at NYU, room 1003 (31 Washington Place, between Washington Square Park and Greene Street). You will need a photo ID to enter the building.
How Chocolate Gets Its Taste, with Clay Gordon

Chocolate - one of the most chemically complex foods known to food science - is different from most other foods in many ways, but one of the key differences is that the vast majority of chocolate is made thousands of miles from where the primary raw ingredient is grown.

This geopolitical and cultural disconnect leads (in part) to an enormous gap in awareness and appreciation (especially when compared with wine, for example) of the interplay between terroir, post-harvest processing techniques - which should be considered to be an inextricable part of terroir for many foods, not just chocolate - and manufacturing processes on the flavor of a finished chocolate.

This presentation will cover the key aspects that affect flavor development in cacao and chocolate from the tree to a finished bar and will cover the individual and collective contributions that genetics, agricultural practices, post-harvest processing (including fermentation and drying), and manufacturing (specifically roasting and conching) processes have on the development of flavor in chocolate. Selected pairings of chocolates will be used to highlight how slight differences in terroir, magnified by the choices that chocolate makers make, can yield completely different finished products.

Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know so that your seat can be released. Thank you.  

All my best,


Anne E. McBride
Director, Experimental Cuisine Collective 

The Experimental Cuisine Collective is a working group that assembles scholars, scientists, chefs, writers, journalists, performance artists, and food enthusiasts. We launched in April 2007, as a result of the collaboration of Kent Kirshenbaum of the chemistry department and Amy Bentley of the nutrition, food studies, and public health department at New York University with Chef Will Goldfarb of WillPowder. Our overall aim is to develop a broad-based and rigorous academic approach that employs techniques and approaches from both the humanities and sciences to examine the properties, boundaries, and conventions of food.

Visit the ECC online at