lundi 17 septembre 2012
vendredi 14 septembre 2012
funny communication
Dear Friends,
I get this email
I get this email
I am writing because, for here in America the term Gourmetología, is this sometimes
substituting the Molecular gastronomy.
I asked if it is a new philosophy or if you are introducing changes
in the concepts...Although guided me for the etymology of the word if treated
the gourmet taste
And here is my answer :
some people play the name game, which means that they do strange things, inventing new names for things that have already one ("modernist cuisine" ;-) for example ).
No, there is no change :
1. Molecular gastronomy is a scientific activity called molecular gastronomy
2. molecular cuisine is cuisine with new tools, ingredients, methods
3. Note by note cuisine is cuisine using pure compounds instead of complex mixtures called vegetables, fruits, meats or fishs
No, there is no change :
1. Molecular gastronomy is a scientific activity called molecular gastronomy
2. molecular cuisine is cuisine with new tools, ingredients, methods
3. Note by note cuisine is cuisine using pure compounds instead of complex mixtures called vegetables, fruits, meats or fishs
samedi 8 septembre 2012
A seminar in NYC
Hello all,
a reminder, we are hosting a special panel at the Monell Chemical
Senses Center in Philadelphia this Monday, September 10 at 3 p.m.
Details at . Our regular ECC meeting will take place on Monday, September 17 from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Chemistry Department at NYU, room 1003 (31 Washington Place,
between Washington Square Park and Greene Street). You will need a
photo ID to enter the building.
Dan Felder, head of the Momofuku Culinary Lab, will talk about microbes, miso, and the Lab.
In this lecture, he will explore the culinary origin and scientific
processes inherent to traditional fermentations. He will also examine
how the study and understanding of these fermented staples of
traditional cuisine serve as a catalyst for innovation, and allow him
and his team the opportunity to make products that are delicious,
unique, and meaningful. Additionally, he will speak about the role of
science in the Momofuku kitchen, both conceptually and practically, and
what they have learned as a result of this process.
Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. If you RSVP and can no longer make it, please let me know right away so that your seat can be released---thank you!
All my best,
Anne E. McBride
Director, Experimental Cuisine Collective
From Argentina
Introducción a la Elaboración Artesanal
de Cervezas
Miércoles 19 de
septiembre 2012 - 19 hs en AZAI
De la mano de
Emilio Perez Crespo, vas a conocer las bases de la elaboración artesanal de
cervezas. La influencia de los ingredientes, los tiempos, las temperaturas y
los distintos tipos de levaduras en el resultado final. Mediante la degustación
y cata de diferentes tipos de cerveza podrás apreciar el abanico de
posibilidades y el arte en el diseño de esta bebida para poder apreciarla en su
Miércoles 19 de septiembre 2012 a las 19 hs
ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos
cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
es el costo? $150 y se
abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo
por mail:
(enviar teléfono de contacto al momento de solicitar la inscripción)
Los esperamos,Mariana y Silvia
mardi 4 septembre 2012
Next seminar in Paris
I am happy to announce that the Ecole supérieure de cuisine française of the Centre Jean Ferrandi from the Chambre de commerce de Paris will again host the Parisian Seminar on Molecular Gastronomy (investigating culinary precisions).
The next meeting will be the 17 September, 4.00-6.00 PM, at28 bis rue de l'abbé Grégoire.
The chosen topic will be :
Are green beans greener when cooked in sparkling water ?
See you then if you want/can.
The next meeting will be the 17 September, 4.00-6.00 PM, at28 bis rue de l'abbé Grégoire.
The chosen topic will be :
Are green beans greener when cooked in sparkling water ?
See you then if you want/can.
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