samedi 18 mars 2017

Joel Doré is teaching at the Hautes Etudes du Goût

Every week,  I have the pleasure to tell you about a colleague who is teaching at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Gastronomy.
This week :

Joel Doré

Research Director at INRA, Joël Doré is Scientific Director of MetaGenoPolis, a Unit of the Micalis Institute “Food and Gut Microbiology for Human Health”. Joël Doré joined INRA in 1983 and received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, in 1988. He developed a unique expertise in the field of intestinal microbiology. He aims to contribute to a better understanding of the host-microbiota symbiosis in order to support therapeutic choices in the medical area, as well as science-based recommendations in health nutrition.

In his HEG class entitled "Man-microbe symbiosis : I am what they eat...", Joël Doré presents the current vision of the human intestinal metagenome and highlights insights it has provided towards the current understanding of the importance of the microbiome in nutrition and health, particularly for chronic inflammatory and metabolic diseases. He presents an extension of the dysbiosis concept that confers a central role to man-microbe symbiosis, with potential implications in health-nutrition and translational research.

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