Confesiones moleculares de un Chef: Ariel Rodríguez Palacios y brindis de fin de año de la AAGM( jueves 9 de dic 19 hs) Inscripciones abiertas!
Para festejar el cierre del año tendremos el honor de que el chef Ariel Rodríguez Palacios, director académido del IAG, nos visite y tome la palabra para contarnos detalles de su formación como cocinero y se explaye sobre su visión de la carrera y la profesión basándose en su amplísima experiencia.
Al finalizar la charla, haremos el brindis de fin de año.
Chef Ariel Rodríguez Palacios
Director académico del IAG
Sus exclusivos programas, no sólo te prepararán para ser un excelente cocinero, sino que te proveerán de todos los conocimientos para que seas un verdadero chef y un emprendedor exitoso.
Tendrás la oportunidad de trabajar con un cuerpo de chefs instructores altamente entrenado para enseñar arte culinario, en la mejor escuela para profesionales del mundo, L´ École Lenôtre de Francia.
Escuela de Cocina - Escuela de Gastronomía Formado solidamente en las mejores escuelas de gastronomía francesa, donde obtuvo los mayores diplomas de cada especialidad, Rodríguez Palacios ostenta le Grand Diplôme Cordon Bleu, le Grand Diplôme de L' École Lenôtre y el Diplôme de Patissier de L'École Ritz Escoffier.
Adquirió destreza trabajando en prestigiosos lugares como el Ritz Hotel de Paris y la renombrada Maison Fauchon de Paris. Con más de 10 años dedicados a la docencia en nuestro país, logro forjar un estilo didáctico y personal que lo distingue. Cientos de cocineros repartidos por el mundo fueron sus alumnos y lo reconocen como un formador de avanzada.
Numerosas distinciones nacionales e internacionales le han sido conferidas. Caben destacar la Orden International de la Gastronomie Française, la Grand Medaille d'Honneur otorgada por el Institut de la Gastronomie Française. L'Academie Culinaire de France lo ha nombrado como Miembro, otorgándole su medalla por su participación en la difusión de las costumbres gastronomicas de Francia. En nuestro país fue galardonado con el premio Vocación durante dos años consecutivos debido a su excelente tarea docente.
Conforme a su experiencia y sólida formación, continúa actualizando y perfeccionándose permanentemente en los centros de formación más importantes y reconocidos del mundo como École Etoile, École Superieure de Cuisine Française Gregoire Ferrandi y Centro de Investigación y Estudios para la Alimentación de Paris (CREA).
Dicta constantemente, tanto en el país como en el extranjero, conferencias y clases magistrales que lo muestran como un excelente comunicador de gran carisma; lo cual le ha valido el reconocimiento y cariño del público y el nombramiento de Ciudadano Ilustre de la ciudad de Lima, Perú.
Mediáticamente conocido como El Maestro de Cocina, por sus continuas apariciones en emisiones televisivas, artículos de prensa y campañas publicitarias, su libro "Técnicas Básicas del Maestro de Cocina" es manual de consulta en todas las escuelas de gastronomía.
(Fuente: )
Cuándo? jueves 9 de diciembre - 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 50 incluye brindis (PRECIO PROMCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
mercredi 8 décembre 2010
lundi 6 décembre 2010
From NYC
Hello all,
The December meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective will take place on Wednesday, December 15, from 4 to 6 p.m. at 12 Waverly Place (between Mercer and Greene Streets), room 108 (ground floor auditorium). You will need a photo ID to enter the building.
In his talk, "The Science of Chocolate Chip Cookies," Jeff Potter will discuss the variables that impact the properties of chocolate chip cookies. Does hydration time matter? What are the key variables for chewy versus crispy cookies? And why is the chocolate chip cookie more American than apple pie? Using the humble cookie as a starting point, he will explore various tangents---from gluten formation to chocolate polymorphs---to show how food science plays an important role in the kitchen.
Jeff Potter is the author of Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food, which The Washington Post recently called "one of the most useful books on understanding cooking." When he's not thinking about chocolate chip cookies, he works as a software engineer and consults to startups about Internet technologies.
Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. Please release your seat if you no longer can attend. Thank you. Feel free to bring your copy of Cooking for Geeks if you want it signed.
All my best,
The Experimental Cuisine Collective is a working group that assembles scholars, scientists, chefs, writers, journalists, performance artists, and food enthusiasts. We launched in April 2007, as a result of the collaboration of Kent Kirshenbaum of the chemistry department and Amy Bentley of the nutrition, food studies, and public health department at New York University with Chef Will Goldfarb of WillPowder. Our overall aim is to develop a broad-based and rigorous academic approach that employs techniques and approaches from both the humanities and sciences to examine the properties, boundaries, and conventions of food.
Visit the ECC online at
The December meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective will take place on Wednesday, December 15, from 4 to 6 p.m. at 12 Waverly Place (between Mercer and Greene Streets), room 108 (ground floor auditorium). You will need a photo ID to enter the building.
In his talk, "The Science of Chocolate Chip Cookies," Jeff Potter will discuss the variables that impact the properties of chocolate chip cookies. Does hydration time matter? What are the key variables for chewy versus crispy cookies? And why is the chocolate chip cookie more American than apple pie? Using the humble cookie as a starting point, he will explore various tangents---from gluten formation to chocolate polymorphs---to show how food science plays an important role in the kitchen.
Jeff Potter is the author of Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food, which The Washington Post recently called "one of the most useful books on understanding cooking." When he's not thinking about chocolate chip cookies, he works as a software engineer and consults to startups about Internet technologies.
Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. Please release your seat if you no longer can attend. Thank you. Feel free to bring your copy of Cooking for Geeks if you want it signed.
All my best,
The Experimental Cuisine Collective is a working group that assembles scholars, scientists, chefs, writers, journalists, performance artists, and food enthusiasts. We launched in April 2007, as a result of the collaboration of Kent Kirshenbaum of the chemistry department and Amy Bentley of the nutrition, food studies, and public health department at New York University with Chef Will Goldfarb of WillPowder. Our overall aim is to develop a broad-based and rigorous academic approach that employs techniques and approaches from both the humanities and sciences to examine the properties, boundaries, and conventions of food.
Visit the ECC online at
vendredi 3 décembre 2010
Again from Argentina
Si no puede ver el contenido del mensaje hacer clic en
Confesiones moleculares de un Chef: Ariel Rodríguez Palacios y brindis de fin de año de la AAGM( jueves 9 de dic 19 hs) Inscripciones abiertas!
Para festejar el cierre del año tendremos el honor de que el chef Ariel Rodríguez Palacios, director académido del IAG, nos visite y tome la palabra para contarnos detalles de su formación como cocinero y se explaye sobre su visión de la carrera y la profesión basándose en su amplísima experiencia.
Al finalizar la charla, haremos el brindis de fin de año.
Chef Ariel Rodríguez Palacios
Director académico del IAG
Sus exclusivos programas, no sólo te prepararán para ser un excelente cocinero, sino que te proveerán de todos los conocimientos para que seas un verdadero chef y un emprendedor exitoso.
Tendrás la oportunidad de trabajar con un cuerpo de chefs instructores altamente entrenado para enseñar arte culinario, en la mejor escuela para profesionales del mundo, L´ École Lenôtre de Francia.
Escuela de Cocina - Escuela de Gastronomía Formado solidamente en las mejores escuelas de gastronomía francesa, donde obtuvo los mayores diplomas de cada especialidad, Rodríguez Palacios ostenta le Grand Diplôme Cordon Bleu, le Grand Diplôme de L' École Lenôtre y el Diplôme de Patissier de L'École Ritz Escoffier.
Adquirió destreza trabajando en prestigiosos lugares como el Ritz Hotel de Paris y la renombrada Maison Fauchon de Paris. Con más de 10 años dedicados a la docencia en nuestro país, logro forjar un estilo didáctico y personal que lo distingue. Cientos de cocineros repartidos por el mundo fueron sus alumnos y lo reconocen como un formador de avanzada.
Numerosas distinciones nacionales e internacionales le han sido conferidas. Caben destacar la Orden International de la Gastronomie Française, la Grand Medaille d'Honneur otorgada por el Institut de la Gastronomie Française. L'Academie Culinaire de France lo ha nombrado como Miembro, otorgándole su medalla por su participación en la difusión de las costumbres gastronomicas de Francia. En nuestro país fue galardonado con el premio Vocación durante dos años consecutivos debido a su excelente tarea docente.
Conforme a su experiencia y sólida formación, continúa actualizando y perfeccionándose permanentemente en los centros de formación más importantes y reconocidos del mundo como École Etoile, École Superieure de Cuisine Française Gregoire Ferrandi y Centro de Investigación y Estudios para la Alimentación de Paris (CREA).
Dicta constantemente, tanto en el país como en el extranjero, conferencias y clases magistrales que lo muestran como un excelente comunicador de gran carisma; lo cual le ha valido el reconocimiento y cariño del público y el nombramiento de Ciudadano Ilustre de la ciudad de Lima, Perú.
Mediáticamente conocido como El Maestro de Cocina, por sus continuas apariciones en emisiones televisivas, artículos de prensa y campañas publicitarias, su libro "Técnicas Básicas del Maestro de Cocina" es manual de consulta en todas las escuelas de gastronomía.
Cuándo? jueves 9 de diciembre - 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 50 incluye brindis (PRECIO PROMCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
Confesiones moleculares de un Chef: Ariel Rodríguez Palacios y brindis de fin de año de la AAGM( jueves 9 de dic 19 hs) Inscripciones abiertas!
Para festejar el cierre del año tendremos el honor de que el chef Ariel Rodríguez Palacios, director académido del IAG, nos visite y tome la palabra para contarnos detalles de su formación como cocinero y se explaye sobre su visión de la carrera y la profesión basándose en su amplísima experiencia.
Al finalizar la charla, haremos el brindis de fin de año.
Chef Ariel Rodríguez Palacios
Director académico del IAG
Sus exclusivos programas, no sólo te prepararán para ser un excelente cocinero, sino que te proveerán de todos los conocimientos para que seas un verdadero chef y un emprendedor exitoso.
Tendrás la oportunidad de trabajar con un cuerpo de chefs instructores altamente entrenado para enseñar arte culinario, en la mejor escuela para profesionales del mundo, L´ École Lenôtre de Francia.
Escuela de Cocina - Escuela de Gastronomía Formado solidamente en las mejores escuelas de gastronomía francesa, donde obtuvo los mayores diplomas de cada especialidad, Rodríguez Palacios ostenta le Grand Diplôme Cordon Bleu, le Grand Diplôme de L' École Lenôtre y el Diplôme de Patissier de L'École Ritz Escoffier.
Adquirió destreza trabajando en prestigiosos lugares como el Ritz Hotel de Paris y la renombrada Maison Fauchon de Paris. Con más de 10 años dedicados a la docencia en nuestro país, logro forjar un estilo didáctico y personal que lo distingue. Cientos de cocineros repartidos por el mundo fueron sus alumnos y lo reconocen como un formador de avanzada.
Numerosas distinciones nacionales e internacionales le han sido conferidas. Caben destacar la Orden International de la Gastronomie Française, la Grand Medaille d'Honneur otorgada por el Institut de la Gastronomie Française. L'Academie Culinaire de France lo ha nombrado como Miembro, otorgándole su medalla por su participación en la difusión de las costumbres gastronomicas de Francia. En nuestro país fue galardonado con el premio Vocación durante dos años consecutivos debido a su excelente tarea docente.
Conforme a su experiencia y sólida formación, continúa actualizando y perfeccionándose permanentemente en los centros de formación más importantes y reconocidos del mundo como École Etoile, École Superieure de Cuisine Française Gregoire Ferrandi y Centro de Investigación y Estudios para la Alimentación de Paris (CREA).
Dicta constantemente, tanto en el país como en el extranjero, conferencias y clases magistrales que lo muestran como un excelente comunicador de gran carisma; lo cual le ha valido el reconocimiento y cariño del público y el nombramiento de Ciudadano Ilustre de la ciudad de Lima, Perú.
Mediáticamente conocido como El Maestro de Cocina, por sus continuas apariciones en emisiones televisivas, artículos de prensa y campañas publicitarias, su libro "Técnicas Básicas del Maestro de Cocina" es manual de consulta en todas las escuelas de gastronomía.
Cuándo? jueves 9 de diciembre - 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 50 incluye brindis (PRECIO PROMCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
vendredi 19 novembre 2010
From our Argentina colleagues
Cocina al vacío –cocciones a baja temperatura (Taller teórico que incluirá degustación)
Carnes, huevos y vegetales : análisis de la estructura de estas materias primas entendiendo los cambios físico-químicos que ocurren al cocinarlas y cómo éstos afectan al resultado final. Puntos de cocción. Terneza/crocantez. Jugosidad/humedad. Sabor.
Conceptos básicos de la técnica de cocina al vacío. Conservación y cocción. Su aplicación en la gastronomía de ¨vanguardia¨. Importancia y guías prácticas de los cuidados bromatológicos críticos a tener en cuenta durante la utilización de la técnica. ¨Ventajas¨ organolépticas y de texturas al aplicar la técnica a platos tradicionales. Aplicaciones novedosas en pastelería y cocina caliente.
Disertantes: Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum ( científicas y cocineras, fundadoras y docentes de la Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular)
Cuándo? miércoles 24 de noviembre - 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 100 (PRECIO PROMOCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción ? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
Carnes, huevos y vegetales : análisis de la estructura de estas materias primas entendiendo los cambios físico-químicos que ocurren al cocinarlas y cómo éstos afectan al resultado final. Puntos de cocción. Terneza/crocantez. Jugosidad/humedad. Sabor.
Conceptos básicos de la técnica de cocina al vacío. Conservación y cocción. Su aplicación en la gastronomía de ¨vanguardia¨. Importancia y guías prácticas de los cuidados bromatológicos críticos a tener en cuenta durante la utilización de la técnica. ¨Ventajas¨ organolépticas y de texturas al aplicar la técnica a platos tradicionales. Aplicaciones novedosas en pastelería y cocina caliente.
Disertantes: Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum ( científicas y cocineras, fundadoras y docentes de la Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular)
Cuándo? miércoles 24 de noviembre - 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 100 (PRECIO PROMOCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción ? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
From our Swiss friends
Conférence de Gastronomie Moléculaire lundi 22 novembre 2010 à 17h00
Le riz, c’est la vie
Un tour d'horizon sur le riz et ses modes de préparation. Aliment relativement peu connu en Europe, il est pourtant très consommé dans le monde et présente des caractéristiques qui dépendent fortement de son mode de préparation aussi bien en organoleptique qu'en nutritionnel.
Philippe Crevoisier, diplômé de l’École nationale supérieure de chimie de Toulouse et diplômé (MBA) de l’IAE Paris, est président de la SAS Seb et directeur général des activités culinaires électriques (env. 800 millions d'Euros, 2000 employés) du groupe SEB, qui possède les marques Krups, SEB, Rowenta, Moulinex, ...
Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Neuchâtel - Bâtiment F - Rue Emile-Argand 11 -
F 200 ALG Auditoire Louis Guillaume UNIMAIL 17h00
Accès :
Thème des conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 : la cuisson !
Prochaines conférences :
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Répondez non à ce courriel si vous souhaitez être retiré de notre liste d'adresse
Gastronomie à l'université ?
La gastronomie moléculaire est l'étude des phénomènes qui se produisent dans la cuisine et à table, ou qui sont décrits dans les livres de cuisine. Brillat-Savarin disait en 1825 déjà que la gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit. La définition proposée par le Petit Larousse reste très proche : «Connaissance de tout ce qui se rapporte à la cuisine, à l'ordonnance des repas, à l'art de déguster et d'apprécier les mets ». D'où vient donc l'idée très répandue que la gastronomie est une cuisine soignée et chère ? L'expression « connaissance raisonnée » indique pourtant clairement qu'il s'agit bien d'une discipline scientifique et pas d'un style de cuisine. Cela ne nous empèche pas de conclure nos conférences par des dégustations fort appréciées !
Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Pensez à suivre le cours de formation continue
Le riz, c’est la vie
Un tour d'horizon sur le riz et ses modes de préparation. Aliment relativement peu connu en Europe, il est pourtant très consommé dans le monde et présente des caractéristiques qui dépendent fortement de son mode de préparation aussi bien en organoleptique qu'en nutritionnel.
Philippe Crevoisier, diplômé de l’École nationale supérieure de chimie de Toulouse et diplômé (MBA) de l’IAE Paris, est président de la SAS Seb et directeur général des activités culinaires électriques (env. 800 millions d'Euros, 2000 employés) du groupe SEB, qui possède les marques Krups, SEB, Rowenta, Moulinex, ...
Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Neuchâtel - Bâtiment F - Rue Emile-Argand 11 -
F 200 ALG Auditoire Louis Guillaume UNIMAIL 17h00
Accès :
Thème des conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 : la cuisson !
Prochaines conférences :
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Répondez non à ce courriel si vous souhaitez être retiré de notre liste d'adresse
Gastronomie à l'université ?
La gastronomie moléculaire est l'étude des phénomènes qui se produisent dans la cuisine et à table, ou qui sont décrits dans les livres de cuisine. Brillat-Savarin disait en 1825 déjà que la gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit. La définition proposée par le Petit Larousse reste très proche : «Connaissance de tout ce qui se rapporte à la cuisine, à l'ordonnance des repas, à l'art de déguster et d'apprécier les mets ». D'où vient donc l'idée très répandue que la gastronomie est une cuisine soignée et chère ? L'expression « connaissance raisonnée » indique pourtant clairement qu'il s'agit bien d'une discipline scientifique et pas d'un style de cuisine. Cela ne nous empèche pas de conclure nos conférences par des dégustations fort appréciées !
Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Pensez à suivre le cours de formation continue
mardi 16 novembre 2010
Cuba si !
Dear Friends
I cannot speak Spanish, but I know that Maria Esther Abreu and her colleagues in Cuba are regularly meeting for "Molecular Gastronomy Seminars".
Here is what I am receiving today from her :
(EHTH) Hotel Nacional
Taller _ XIV Encuentro de Gastronomía Molecular.
Propiciar el intercambio de experiencia en la disciplina Ciencia y
Tecnología Culinaria (conocida internacionalmente como Gastronomía
Molecular / Molecular Gastronomy)
Lograr un cambio cultural para alcanzar la educación gastronómica
TEMÁTICAS. Un Hot Topics en la cocina nacional e internacional.
Las salsas en la cocina. Ciencia y Arte culinario.
El enigmático proceso de la salsa resultante.
Salsas industriales.
Información de la organolépsis en las salsas.
¿Dónde? Hotel NACIONAL. Salón Taganana. Hora. 9:00am. Día: 26 de Noviembre
Especialistas invitados.
MSc. Jesús Escandell Comesaña. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. UH
Dr.C. Manuel Álvarez Gil. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. UH
MsC. María Esther Abreu Rojas. Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de La Habana
Recuerda........ Ir al encuentro
*Más información.
MSc. María Esther Abreu Rojas.
Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de La Habana.
I cannot speak Spanish, but I know that Maria Esther Abreu and her colleagues in Cuba are regularly meeting for "Molecular Gastronomy Seminars".
Here is what I am receiving today from her :
(EHTH) Hotel Nacional
Taller _ XIV Encuentro de Gastronomía Molecular.
Propiciar el intercambio de experiencia en la disciplina Ciencia y
Tecnología Culinaria (conocida internacionalmente como Gastronomía
Molecular / Molecular Gastronomy)
Lograr un cambio cultural para alcanzar la educación gastronómica
TEMÁTICAS. Un Hot Topics en la cocina nacional e internacional.
Las salsas en la cocina. Ciencia y Arte culinario.
El enigmático proceso de la salsa resultante.
Salsas industriales.
Información de la organolépsis en las salsas.
¿Dónde? Hotel NACIONAL. Salón Taganana. Hora. 9:00am. Día: 26 de Noviembre
Especialistas invitados.
MSc. Jesús Escandell Comesaña. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. UH
Dr.C. Manuel Álvarez Gil. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. UH
MsC. María Esther Abreu Rojas. Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de La Habana
Recuerda........ Ir al encuentro
*Más información.
MSc. María Esther Abreu Rojas.
Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de La Habana.
mardi 9 novembre 2010
From New York
The November meeting of the Experimental Cuisine Collective differs from our usual format. It will take place on Monday, November 22 in the original Room 4 Dessert space, ECC co-founder Will Goldfarb's restaurant, at 17 Cleveland Place (between Kenmare and Spring Streets).
Two identical sessions will take place, to accommodate everyone: at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Please RSVP only for one of them. If your schedule later changes and you need to release your spot, please contact me immediately so that others can have it.
The theme of Will Goldfarb's talk is Planet Zero: A Return to Basics in Pastry Problem Solving. Will now lives in Bali, Indonesia, where he operates his companies, WillPowder and WillEquipped, and works as pastry chef for Ku De Ta, the island's largest high-end restaurant.
Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. Thank you.
Two identical sessions will take place, to accommodate everyone: at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Please RSVP only for one of them. If your schedule later changes and you need to release your spot, please contact me immediately so that others can have it.
The theme of Will Goldfarb's talk is Planet Zero: A Return to Basics in Pastry Problem Solving. Will now lives in Bali, Indonesia, where he operates his companies, WillPowder and WillEquipped, and works as pastry chef for Ku De Ta, the island's largest high-end restaurant.
Please RSVP at A link is also posted on our website. Thank you.
Let's fight the concept of umami. Favor the flavor of amino acids
The theory of the four tastes, also named four basic tastes is wrong: any person able to document a little will discover easily that the specialists know very well the fallacy of this theory.
Those who know the error unfortunately fall into the idea that there is a fifth taste, which was named "umami". However, I must disabuse them: we must fight against this idea, which has been widely accredited by sellers of monosodium glutamate.
Invited to visit one of the largest manufacturers of "dashi" in Tokyo, I witnessed the making of this stock: kombu seaweed are washed down with hot water, so that two amino acids were extracted (alanine and glutamic acid). I was told that the flavor of this broth, or stock, was umami.
OK, why not. But in this cas, the umami taste is not "elementary", since it is the mixture of the taste of alanine and of the taste of glutamic acid.
As a corollary, we must admit that the taste of monosodium glutamate, which is not glutamic acid, is not umami, as it is not the mixed taste of alanine and glutamic acid.
In total, I don't see how umami could existe.
In contrast, amino acids have all different flavors. This is good news for cooks, which adds new piano keys.
And finally, some questions for those who would think that there would be only 5 tastes, instead of 4 : did you taste sodium bicarbonate ? and ethanol ? and liquorice ? How do they taste ;-) ?
Those who know the error unfortunately fall into the idea that there is a fifth taste, which was named "umami". However, I must disabuse them: we must fight against this idea, which has been widely accredited by sellers of monosodium glutamate.
Invited to visit one of the largest manufacturers of "dashi" in Tokyo, I witnessed the making of this stock: kombu seaweed are washed down with hot water, so that two amino acids were extracted (alanine and glutamic acid). I was told that the flavor of this broth, or stock, was umami.
OK, why not. But in this cas, the umami taste is not "elementary", since it is the mixture of the taste of alanine and of the taste of glutamic acid.
As a corollary, we must admit that the taste of monosodium glutamate, which is not glutamic acid, is not umami, as it is not the mixed taste of alanine and glutamic acid.
In total, I don't see how umami could existe.
In contrast, amino acids have all different flavors. This is good news for cooks, which adds new piano keys.
And finally, some questions for those who would think that there would be only 5 tastes, instead of 4 : did you taste sodium bicarbonate ? and ethanol ? and liquorice ? How do they taste ;-) ?
mardi 2 novembre 2010
Sao Paulo
A new professor of Molecular Gastronomy was appointed at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
More to come.
More to come.
lundi 1 novembre 2010
From our Swiss colleagues
Conférence de Gastronomie Moléculaire lundi 1er novembre 2010 à 17h00
La "cuisson" de la bière, aspects pratiques de la caramélisation
La torréfaction et les réactions de caramélisations sont souvent utilisées en brasserie, spécialement pour les malts qui apportent couleur, texture et amertume. La cuisson est indispensable pour fixer les résines amères au moût et évaporer les substances soufrées (qui causeraient des maux de tête). A noter que la cuisson à feu direct ajoute de la rondeur à la bière par caramélisation et qu'il pourrait être souhaitable de recréer cet "effet involontaire" dans les installations à feu indirect.
La bière est aussi un ingrédient intéressant pour la cuisine. Quelques exemples seront donnés.
Avec présentation et dégustation d'échantillons de matières premières et de bières fabriquées en feu direct et indirect
Jérôme Rebetez, ing. œnologie et CEO de la Brasserie BFM SA est l’un des pionniers de la brasserie artisanale helvétique et, à l’image de son tempérament, confectionne des bières au caractère bien trempé, révélant beaucoup de corps, de complexité et de finesse.
Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Neuchâtel - Bâtiment F - Rue Emile-Argand 11 -
F 200 ALG Auditoire Louis Guillaume UNIMAIL 17h00
Accès :
Thème des conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 : la cuisson !
Prochaines conférences :
- lundi 22 novembre 2010 : P. Crevoisier, cuisson du riz
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Répondez non à ce courriel si vous souhaitez être retiré de notre liste d'adresse
Gastronomie à l'université ?
La gastronomie moléculaire est l'étude des phénomènes qui se produisent dans la cuisine et à table, ou qui sont décrits dans les livres de cuisine. Brillat-Savarin disait en 1825 déjà que la gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit. La définition proposée par le Petit Larousse reste très proche : «Connaissance de tout ce qui se rapporte à la cuisine, à l'ordonnance des repas, à l'art de déguster et d'apprécier les mets ». D'où vient donc l'idée très répandue que la gastronomie est une cuisine soignée et chère ? L'expression « connaissance raisonnée » indique pourtant clairement qu'il s'agit bien d'une discipline scientifique et pas d'un style de cuisine. Cela ne nous empèche pas de conclure nos conférences par des dégustations fort appréciées !
Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Pensez à suivre le cours de formation continue
La "cuisson" de la bière, aspects pratiques de la caramélisation
La torréfaction et les réactions de caramélisations sont souvent utilisées en brasserie, spécialement pour les malts qui apportent couleur, texture et amertume. La cuisson est indispensable pour fixer les résines amères au moût et évaporer les substances soufrées (qui causeraient des maux de tête). A noter que la cuisson à feu direct ajoute de la rondeur à la bière par caramélisation et qu'il pourrait être souhaitable de recréer cet "effet involontaire" dans les installations à feu indirect.
La bière est aussi un ingrédient intéressant pour la cuisine. Quelques exemples seront donnés.
Avec présentation et dégustation d'échantillons de matières premières et de bières fabriquées en feu direct et indirect
Jérôme Rebetez, ing. œnologie et CEO de la Brasserie BFM SA est l’un des pionniers de la brasserie artisanale helvétique et, à l’image de son tempérament, confectionne des bières au caractère bien trempé, révélant beaucoup de corps, de complexité et de finesse.
Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Neuchâtel - Bâtiment F - Rue Emile-Argand 11 -
F 200 ALG Auditoire Louis Guillaume UNIMAIL 17h00
Accès :
Thème des conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 : la cuisson !
Prochaines conférences :
- lundi 22 novembre 2010 : P. Crevoisier, cuisson du riz
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Répondez non à ce courriel si vous souhaitez être retiré de notre liste d'adresse
Gastronomie à l'université ?
La gastronomie moléculaire est l'étude des phénomènes qui se produisent dans la cuisine et à table, ou qui sont décrits dans les livres de cuisine. Brillat-Savarin disait en 1825 déjà que la gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit. La définition proposée par le Petit Larousse reste très proche : «Connaissance de tout ce qui se rapporte à la cuisine, à l'ordonnance des repas, à l'art de déguster et d'apprécier les mets ». D'où vient donc l'idée très répandue que la gastronomie est une cuisine soignée et chère ? L'expression « connaissance raisonnée » indique pourtant clairement qu'il s'agit bien d'une discipline scientifique et pas d'un style de cuisine. Cela ne nous empèche pas de conclure nos conférences par des dégustations fort appréciées !
Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Pensez à suivre le cours de formation continue
samedi 23 octobre 2010
Some hints for using the Ateliers expérimentaux du goût
Here in France, the new official curriculum for all colleges introduced the topic "science and cooking" (I remind you that there will never be any "science in the kitchen", as science is science, and cooking is technique).
Hence, the Ateliers expérimentaux du goût and the Ateliers Science & Cuisine get a new interest.
How to use these educational tools?
You will find some hints on :
Sorry, it's in French!
Vive la gourmandise éclairée!
Hence, the Ateliers expérimentaux du goût and the Ateliers Science & Cuisine get a new interest.
How to use these educational tools?
You will find some hints on :
Sorry, it's in French!
Vive la gourmandise éclairée!
mardi 19 octobre 2010
That's it
Dear Friends
I told you recently of a new Erasmus Mundus program "Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes)".
The internet site is open at
Celebrate Knowledge!
I told you recently of a new Erasmus Mundus program "Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes)".
The internet site is open at
Celebrate Knowledge!
Today, received from Argentina
Rico y crocoso...¿o era crocante? ( taller teórico-práctico jueves 28 de octubre 19 hs)
Descubriendo los secretos del rebozado: milanesas y buñuelos dulces /salados.
¿Con o sin huevo? ¿Importa la temperatura del aceite? ¿Con o sin alcohol en la mezcla? ¿Rebozar con papa? ¿Conviene usar semillas? ¿Qué modificaciones sufren las especias?
· Jueves 28 de octubre -19 a 22 hs
· ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest ( Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cuál es el costo?
· $100 y se abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento (traer delantal)
Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo por mail
La reserva de vacante se hará efectiva una vez que hayas recibido el mail de confirmación de la misma.
Los esperamos !
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
Descubriendo los secretos del rebozado: milanesas y buñuelos dulces /salados.
¿Con o sin huevo? ¿Importa la temperatura del aceite? ¿Con o sin alcohol en la mezcla? ¿Rebozar con papa? ¿Conviene usar semillas? ¿Qué modificaciones sufren las especias?
· Jueves 28 de octubre -19 a 22 hs
· ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest ( Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cuál es el costo?
· $100 y se abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento (traer delantal)
Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo por mail
La reserva de vacante se hará efectiva una vez que hayas recibido el mail de confirmación de la misma.
Los esperamos !
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
lundi 11 octobre 2010
From Switzerland
Les conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 parleront de cuisson !
- lundi 11 octobre 2010 : C-M Hladik, cuisson et évolution humaine
- lundi 1er novembre 2010 : J. Rebetez, "cuisson" de la bière
- lundi 22 novembre 2010 : P. Crevoisier, cuisson du riz
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
"La cuisson des aliments qui les rend plus digestes et qui permet d’obtenir une plus grande quantité d’énergie - notamment en dépolymérisant les molécules d’amidon des tubercules sauvages - est une condition essentielle à l’évolution des espèces humaines qui aboutit à l’Homo sapiens actuel. Car l’encéphale humain, gros consommateur d’énergie, n’aurait pas pu évoluer en parallèle avec la réduction de la denture si les aliments crus étaient les seuls consommés" (C-M Hladik)
Grand Auditoire (GGA), Avenue de Bellevaux 51, Neuchâtel
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Répondez non à ce courriel si vous souhaitez être retiré de notre liste d'adresse
Gastronomie à l'université ?
La gastronomie moléculaire est l'étude des phénomènes qui se produisent dans la cuisine et à table, ou qui sont décrits dans les livres de cuisine. Brillat-Savarin disait en 1825 déjà que la gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit. La définition proposée par le Petit Larousse reste très proche : «Connaissance de tout ce qui se rapporte à la cuisine, à l'ordonnance des repas, à l'art de déguster et d'apprécier les mets ». D'où vient donc l'idée très répandue que la gastronomie est une cuisine soignée et chère ? L'expression « connaissance raisonnée » indique pourtant clairement qu'il s'agit bien d'une discipline scientifique et pas d'un style de cuisine. Cela ne nous empèche pas de conclure nos conférences par des dégustations fort appréciées !
- lundi 11 octobre 2010 : C-M Hladik, cuisson et évolution humaine
- lundi 1er novembre 2010 : J. Rebetez, "cuisson" de la bière
- lundi 22 novembre 2010 : P. Crevoisier, cuisson du riz
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
"La cuisson des aliments qui les rend plus digestes et qui permet d’obtenir une plus grande quantité d’énergie - notamment en dépolymérisant les molécules d’amidon des tubercules sauvages - est une condition essentielle à l’évolution des espèces humaines qui aboutit à l’Homo sapiens actuel. Car l’encéphale humain, gros consommateur d’énergie, n’aurait pas pu évoluer en parallèle avec la réduction de la denture si les aliments crus étaient les seuls consommés" (C-M Hladik)
Grand Auditoire (GGA), Avenue de Bellevaux 51, Neuchâtel
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Répondez non à ce courriel si vous souhaitez être retiré de notre liste d'adresse
Gastronomie à l'université ?
La gastronomie moléculaire est l'étude des phénomènes qui se produisent dans la cuisine et à table, ou qui sont décrits dans les livres de cuisine. Brillat-Savarin disait en 1825 déjà que la gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit. La définition proposée par le Petit Larousse reste très proche : «Connaissance de tout ce qui se rapporte à la cuisine, à l'ordonnance des repas, à l'art de déguster et d'apprécier les mets ». D'où vient donc l'idée très répandue que la gastronomie est une cuisine soignée et chère ? L'expression « connaissance raisonnée » indique pourtant clairement qu'il s'agit bien d'une discipline scientifique et pas d'un style de cuisine. Cela ne nous empèche pas de conclure nos conférences par des dégustations fort appréciées !
jeudi 7 octobre 2010
For beginnerts : a formalism for the description of colloids (i.e. disperse systems).
Let us consider an aqueous solution. This is mostly water. Then let us call it W.
Now some liquid fat : as it is "oil", let us call it O
For a solid : S ; for a gas G.
Now, you can make an emulsion, dispersing oil droplets into the water phase, and you can write it W/O.
The "/" operator means simply "dispersed into".
And of course, they had to be other operators. For example, the coexistence of phases : operator +. Or the inclusion : operator @ (according to IUPAC).
Moreover, you could have to superimpose : operator sigma
Now, one can understand easily that using these letters and operators, one can describe more complex systems.
Let us begin with two phases only :
G/G : it is not colloidal, as it is a gas (G/G=G)
G/W : this is a foam
G/W : this is a foam, also, but in oil!
W/O : emulsion
O/W : a different emulsion
W/S : a gel
S/W : a suspension
S1/S2 : a solid suspension
etc : you understand easily, of course.
And it's now very obvious that one can use letters and operators for making formulas, describing more complex systems, such as :
and so many others...
See more in scientific papers describing this "CDS" formulism.
Now some liquid fat : as it is "oil", let us call it O
For a solid : S ; for a gas G.
Now, you can make an emulsion, dispersing oil droplets into the water phase, and you can write it W/O.
The "/" operator means simply "dispersed into".
And of course, they had to be other operators. For example, the coexistence of phases : operator +. Or the inclusion : operator @ (according to IUPAC).
Moreover, you could have to superimpose : operator sigma
Now, one can understand easily that using these letters and operators, one can describe more complex systems.
Let us begin with two phases only :
G/G : it is not colloidal, as it is a gas (G/G=G)
G/W : this is a foam
G/W : this is a foam, also, but in oil!
W/O : emulsion
O/W : a different emulsion
W/S : a gel
S/W : a suspension
S1/S2 : a solid suspension
etc : you understand easily, of course.
And it's now very obvious that one can use letters and operators for making formulas, describing more complex systems, such as :
and so many others...
See more in scientific papers describing this "CDS" formulism.
Gelling agents
In an email that I received this morning, there was a question of using gelling agents (alginate, carraghens, etc.) in Molecular Gastronomy.
Indeed this question is based on a confusion between science and technology, between molecular gastronomy( science) and molecular cuisine (cooking).
Perhaps you will be interested to read the chapter that I produced for the Formulation Day 2009 (production soon). Indeed, you will see that gelling agents are not discussed... because if you think about gels in general, it's more general (hence powerful technologically) than thinking about some gels in particular. Of course, then the gels have to be made, but this is no longer a scientific question, rather a technological one.
Where could alginates and oter be used? In any colloidal system described by a CDS/NPOS formula where a gel (/S) structure is included.
Indeed this question is based on a confusion between science and technology, between molecular gastronomy( science) and molecular cuisine (cooking).
Perhaps you will be interested to read the chapter that I produced for the Formulation Day 2009 (production soon). Indeed, you will see that gelling agents are not discussed... because if you think about gels in general, it's more general (hence powerful technologically) than thinking about some gels in particular. Of course, then the gels have to be made, but this is no longer a scientific question, rather a technological one.
Where could alginates and oter be used? In any colloidal system described by a CDS/NPOS formula where a gel (/S) structure is included.
samedi 2 octobre 2010
What Gastronomy means really
Here it is, by Brillat-Savarin :
18. - La gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit.
Son but est de veiller à la conservation des hommes, au moyen de la meilleure nourriture possible.
Elle y parvient en dirigeant, par des principes certains, tous ceux qui recherchent, fournissent ou préparent les choses qui peuvent se convertir en aliments.
Ainsi, c'est elle, à vrai dire, qui fait mouvoir les cultivateurs, les vignerons, les pêcheurs, les chasseurs et la nombreuse famille des cuisiniers, quel que soit le titre ou la qualification sous laquelle ils déguisent leur emploi à la préparation des aliments.
La gastronomie tient :
A l'histoire naturelle, par la classification qu'elle fait des substances alimentaires ; A la physique, par l'examen de leurs compositions et de leurs qualités ; A la chimie, par les diverses analyses et décompositions qu'elle leur fait subir ; A la cuisine, par l'art d'apprêter les mets et de les rendre agréables au goût ; Au commerce, par la recherche des moyens d'acheter au meilleur marché possible ce qu'elle consomme, et de débiter le plus avantageusement ce qu'elle présente à vendre ; Enfin, à l'économie politique, par les ressources qu'elle présente à l'impôt, et par les moyens d'échange qu'elle établit entre les nations.
18. - La gastronomie est la connaissance raisonnée de tout ce qui a rapport à l'homme, en tant qu'il se nourrit.
Son but est de veiller à la conservation des hommes, au moyen de la meilleure nourriture possible.
Elle y parvient en dirigeant, par des principes certains, tous ceux qui recherchent, fournissent ou préparent les choses qui peuvent se convertir en aliments.
Ainsi, c'est elle, à vrai dire, qui fait mouvoir les cultivateurs, les vignerons, les pêcheurs, les chasseurs et la nombreuse famille des cuisiniers, quel que soit le titre ou la qualification sous laquelle ils déguisent leur emploi à la préparation des aliments.
La gastronomie tient :
A l'histoire naturelle, par la classification qu'elle fait des substances alimentaires ; A la physique, par l'examen de leurs compositions et de leurs qualités ; A la chimie, par les diverses analyses et décompositions qu'elle leur fait subir ; A la cuisine, par l'art d'apprêter les mets et de les rendre agréables au goût ; Au commerce, par la recherche des moyens d'acheter au meilleur marché possible ce qu'elle consomme, et de débiter le plus avantageusement ce qu'elle présente à vendre ; Enfin, à l'économie politique, par les ressources qu'elle présente à l'impôt, et par les moyens d'échange qu'elle établit entre les nations.
mardi 21 septembre 2010
A new Master Erasmus Mundus "Food Innovation and Product Design"
The overall objective of the EMMC - FIPDes is to provide top-level and up-to-date education that qualifies the graduates to cope with the huge challenges in the sector of food innovation along with product design and packaging, while developing the aptitude to adapt to future developments.
Needs analysis
The food and drink industry is one of Europe’s most important and dynamic industrial sectors. To maintain its position and improve its share on world markets the industry requires greater use of technical know- how and a considerable strengthening of its capacity for innovation.1 Enterprises have to put more emphasis on R&D to compete with the US and to do so they need personnel trained in research and innovation.
At the same time, as a result of a changing European population in terms of age and occupation, food and drink processors face constant change in consumer demands, with health issues constituting a major
consumer concern. While partly related to an ageing society, food safety issues as well as obesity and allergen reactions have increased awareness of the relationship between food and health. This trend is leading to the growth of foods with specific properties and is also positively influencing the sales of organic foods.
Although price remains a key criterion in purchasing decisions, pleasure, quality and convenience are driving factors of market evolution. Changes in consumer lifestyles are increasing the interest for foods and/or drinks that are easier to prepare, serve, eat, and that are both immediately available and portable.
The food and drink sector is thus continuously facing change. Food product differentiation as well as the ability to satisfy evolving consumer requirements will be essential to ensuring market competitiveness and survival.
Over the coming years, agrifood enterprises across the world will need to address the numerous
challenges of globalisation. Behind this globalisation, questions of sustainability increase the complexity of innovative approaches in the food production and distribution. New skills will be required to both decrease our consumption in resources and provide food for increasing numbers of people4.
Innovation at every stage along the value chain will be critical to the future development of the food
industry. A significant enhancement and substantially increased investment in the area of R&D is thus a
key for industry and apriority.
The state of the art in product design and food innovation
New product development combines strategic and organizational actions with technical effort, the former dealing with the management of the development process, strategic placement and launching of the new product, the latter concerned with the design of the product and its manufacturing process (Costa et al.,2006). From a practical point of view, the design of a new product involves the interaction of two major pillars: (i) composition and properties and (ii) processing, storage and usage conditions. Both contribute to the overall quality of the product. In parallel, new product development should result in a customer-centred product. The increase in the knowledge of human metabolism in health science leads to a greater need for
bioactive ingredients in the form of functional foods. At the same time, satisfying customers involves the mastery of culinary approaches and molecular gastronomy in order to act upon the organoleptic features of the product.
Another issue in process innovation is to deal with environmental challenges to improve the sustainability of the business. The increased production volume of food packaging has prompted the European Community to develop a policy designed to limit the quantities of materials used, to promote reusage and recycling of packaging. Designers should be able to comprehensively identify the best solutions for specific new packaging. The best solution depends on the packaged products and their environmental impacts and depends on the overall packaging system (secondary and tertiary). Holistic approaches to be adopted include taking into account distribution requirements that may lead to choices of different primary packaging designs to those which would be made if we did not adopt this holistic vision.
The educational issues
Food innovation comprises “functionalization” in order to endow products with specific health-enhancing properties, calling upon new processing techniques and packaging decisions. Young people interested in the field of food product design need a good background in each of the following areas: food science and technology, managerial and consumer science, health and sustainability issues. The proposed Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Food Innovation and Product Design (EMMC-FIPDes) has been developed to match these needs. EMMC-FIPDes aims to offer high quality international training, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as in didactic skills, provided by a limited number of excellent university groups within the EU in the field of food science and product design.
The EMMC-FIPDes aims at providing a European dimension in the knowledge-intensive area of food
Research & Development which is operating internationally. It will meet the need for highly qualified graduates as well as helping adapt educational systems to the demands of the knowledge society. It will thus enhance the attractiveness and visibility of European higher education worldwide and stimulate the process of convergence of degree structures across Europe. The EMMC-FIPDes aims at training students who wish to contribute to the development of innovative, sustainable and healthy food products. Graduates will be able to find positions in and outside Europe, either in their country or in a national branch of an international food brand.
To date, the EU offers very few advanced programmes in food innovation and/or product design. The
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) offers a national Master in “Life Sciences” with a M2
specialisation in “Food and Beverage Innovation” ( /master) but does not treat product design as a major component of innovation. Wageningen University (WUR) offers a national Master in “Food Technology” with M2 specialisations in “Gastronomy,” “Food innovation and management” and “Product design”. It also offers a joint M2 specialisation, “European Master Degree in Food Studies” (developed with AgroParisTech, Lund and Cork Universities), mainly focused on food technology and product development rather than on innovation management ( This master leads to the only WUR diploma. Finally, the EMMC Sefotech in “Food Science, Technology and Nutrition” ( presents trends of Food Science &Technology and health issues in a global context but offers M2 modules focused only on specific food fields (i.e. cereals, meet, fats & oils, food safety, etc.).
All these programmes are thus aimed at training students either in food innovation management or in food technology but none merges the aspects of food innovation and product design, nor do they offer courses treating the essential interests of packaging sustainability or innovative culinary approaches.
The EMMC-FIPDes added value
is its integrated approach “from materials to packaged product”, including technical, entrepreneurial and
theoretical knowledge in food innovation merged in a teamwork-based learning system. Sustainability
issues are approached in M1 and specifically treated in one of the three available M2 options dealing with food packaging design and logistics. Moreover, the culinary and molecular gastronomy approach is fully integrated into the food design philosophy and will offer interesting and complementary skills for innovation.
The added value and the course contribution to the education and career development is also depicted through a specialised semester offering an industrial/research-based placement in a company or a R&D laboratory in a partner’s or associate member’s institution. This practical semester, along with their involvement with food companies, will assure the students of professional competence and enhanced
employability. External lecturers invited from other institutions of higher education (from EU and third countries), industry, and companies will highly improve students’ creativity and innovation skills while opening their minds to the global food issue.
The Joint FIPDes EMM Course is scheduled over two academic years and will result in the accumulation of 120 ECTS credits.
The aim of the first study year (M1) is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to both food science & technology and innovation management, so as to assure mastery of core-knowledge in these fields.
Mandatory mobility is a fundamental aspect of our approach applicable to all students. Students will attend the first semester of M1 at AgroParisTech (Paris, France) and the second at DIT (Dublin, Ireland).
A strong point of integration among partners and students is the compulsory introduction module,
which will be organized at the beginning of the first semester at AgroParisTech (France) to present the teaching staff from all Consortium institutions and give students practical tips for their stay.
Introductory lectures on the main challenges of food innovation will be given by the teaching staff of Consortium institutions and by guest lecturers from the professional sector. A seminar on food culture will be given to introduce European food culture, society and R&D issues.
In addition to the compulsory core courses, students will choose two optional modules among a list already available in the national AgroParisTech master. This degree of freedom will make it possible for students to develop specific skills in line with their professional project. During the first year of study (M1) students participate in a junior project, a double module covering the two semesters. Teams of students are in charge of managing a practical R&D project related to innovation with the assistance of a professional.
They build their project progressively thank to the different knowledge and skills acquired in both universities.
This joint module strongly structures the first year. The complementary fields covered by DIT and
AgroParisTech modules will make it possible to achieve the junior project goals with success, another added value of mobility.
The second study year (M2) offers three specialisation pathways (options) concerning strategic and
emerging sectors of food product innovation. Each option is based on the partner universities’
research and teaching strengths and can welcome a maximum of seven students. The orientation and
selection of students will be made during M1 by the Consortium Committee. A salient feature of the M2 courses is the close co-operation with industry and interacting within active learning environments.
Detailed description of the course implementation and module description is given in Annex A1-1.
The three options are:
1- Food design and health: Students will attend courses at UNINA (Napoli, Italy). The main goal of this option is to train students in developing functional foods addressing specific health needs (such as hypoallergenicity). They will also receive basic knowledge in food regulations related to health claims. Furthermore, the objective is to provide the students with knowledge in food culture and culinary traditions of Mediterranean countries.
2- Food design and engineering: Students will attend courses at AgroParisTech (Paris, France). The main objective of this option is to give students knowledge and technical skills for process-based food design in order to understand, choose, design and optimise degrees of freedoms on food manufacturing operations. The development of food quality by combining formulation and processing is a key figure of the specialisation. The senior project module strongly structures the student active learning by mobilising theoretical and practical knowledge.
3- Food Packaging Design, Students will attend courses at Lund University (Lund, Sweden).The main objective of this option is to give students knowledge of an integrated systems view of food packaging design in a value chain perspective. The main objective can be divided into sub-objectives which aim at giving students a basic knowledge in packaging technology and development, based on user requirements, product requirements and sustainable development around the package. Furthermore, the objective is to provide the student with in-depth knowledge in how packaging systems influence food supply chains and vice versa, i.e. packaging logistics. The teaching is problem-based which rives the student to investigate the central concepts and principles treated in the course module to gain advanced skills in analyzing complex systems, especially packaging and logistics systems, and carrying out projects in real life.
Strong points of the EMMC-FIPDes:
As shown in the previous scheme, a transversal joint module of Molecular Gastronomy will run over the first two options. This module has been expressly designed for the EMM-FIPDes Course and will be run by the French and Italian partners. This transversal option will be assured by visio- conferences organised by the associate Partners INRA (Hervé This) and Teagasc (Juan Valverde). Practical experiments will be run in parallel at the Italian and French universities. A second transversal joint module of Innovation Integrated Food & Packaging Project will be proposed over second and third options. This module will be run by the Swedish and French partners and co-designed by the two teams. Projects in New Product Development will be proposed to the students and mixed teams will be constituted, composed of two students in France and two students in Sweden. The Swedish part of the team will support the packaging development and the French part will develop the new food. Visio-conferences will be organised for presentations of specific knowledge required to conduct the projects. Students’ teams will have access to free collaborative platforms.
Whatever the specialisation chosen, during the third semester (S3), students will undertake an M2 senior project strictly related to the specialisation issues. This module is called “senior” due to the experience gained during M1. Student teams will be in charge of managing an R&D innovation project in close relationship with a food company. The learning outcomes of these modules will enable students to successfully handle the training period of semester four.
During the fourth semester, students will carry out the training research period (30 ECTS) which will lead to the writing of the Msc Thesis. Topics will be proposed by the EMMC scientific committee and will concern an R&D innovation study developed with the industrial partners and academic associate members. This training period can thus be carried out within the Consortium or one of the Third Country associate members.
Finally, the structure of the joint master is built in such a manner that mobility is learning pathway chosen by each student. It will allow them to accumulate appropriate expertise present in four leading EU institutions to develop a unique professional profile which could not be developed in any one country. One can add that the particular choice of partners is well adapted to this goal as our Consortium includes representatives from Sweden, Italy, France and Ireland, each with the specific cultural and gastronomic history and habits.
Needs analysis
The food and drink industry is one of Europe’s most important and dynamic industrial sectors. To maintain its position and improve its share on world markets the industry requires greater use of technical know- how and a considerable strengthening of its capacity for innovation.1 Enterprises have to put more emphasis on R&D to compete with the US and to do so they need personnel trained in research and innovation.
At the same time, as a result of a changing European population in terms of age and occupation, food and drink processors face constant change in consumer demands, with health issues constituting a major
consumer concern. While partly related to an ageing society, food safety issues as well as obesity and allergen reactions have increased awareness of the relationship between food and health. This trend is leading to the growth of foods with specific properties and is also positively influencing the sales of organic foods.
Although price remains a key criterion in purchasing decisions, pleasure, quality and convenience are driving factors of market evolution. Changes in consumer lifestyles are increasing the interest for foods and/or drinks that are easier to prepare, serve, eat, and that are both immediately available and portable.
The food and drink sector is thus continuously facing change. Food product differentiation as well as the ability to satisfy evolving consumer requirements will be essential to ensuring market competitiveness and survival.
Over the coming years, agrifood enterprises across the world will need to address the numerous
challenges of globalisation. Behind this globalisation, questions of sustainability increase the complexity of innovative approaches in the food production and distribution. New skills will be required to both decrease our consumption in resources and provide food for increasing numbers of people4.
Innovation at every stage along the value chain will be critical to the future development of the food
industry. A significant enhancement and substantially increased investment in the area of R&D is thus a
key for industry and apriority.
The state of the art in product design and food innovation
New product development combines strategic and organizational actions with technical effort, the former dealing with the management of the development process, strategic placement and launching of the new product, the latter concerned with the design of the product and its manufacturing process (Costa et al.,2006). From a practical point of view, the design of a new product involves the interaction of two major pillars: (i) composition and properties and (ii) processing, storage and usage conditions. Both contribute to the overall quality of the product. In parallel, new product development should result in a customer-centred product. The increase in the knowledge of human metabolism in health science leads to a greater need for
bioactive ingredients in the form of functional foods. At the same time, satisfying customers involves the mastery of culinary approaches and molecular gastronomy in order to act upon the organoleptic features of the product.
Another issue in process innovation is to deal with environmental challenges to improve the sustainability of the business. The increased production volume of food packaging has prompted the European Community to develop a policy designed to limit the quantities of materials used, to promote reusage and recycling of packaging. Designers should be able to comprehensively identify the best solutions for specific new packaging. The best solution depends on the packaged products and their environmental impacts and depends on the overall packaging system (secondary and tertiary). Holistic approaches to be adopted include taking into account distribution requirements that may lead to choices of different primary packaging designs to those which would be made if we did not adopt this holistic vision.
The educational issues
Food innovation comprises “functionalization” in order to endow products with specific health-enhancing properties, calling upon new processing techniques and packaging decisions. Young people interested in the field of food product design need a good background in each of the following areas: food science and technology, managerial and consumer science, health and sustainability issues. The proposed Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Food Innovation and Product Design (EMMC-FIPDes) has been developed to match these needs. EMMC-FIPDes aims to offer high quality international training, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as in didactic skills, provided by a limited number of excellent university groups within the EU in the field of food science and product design.
The EMMC-FIPDes aims at providing a European dimension in the knowledge-intensive area of food
Research & Development which is operating internationally. It will meet the need for highly qualified graduates as well as helping adapt educational systems to the demands of the knowledge society. It will thus enhance the attractiveness and visibility of European higher education worldwide and stimulate the process of convergence of degree structures across Europe. The EMMC-FIPDes aims at training students who wish to contribute to the development of innovative, sustainable and healthy food products. Graduates will be able to find positions in and outside Europe, either in their country or in a national branch of an international food brand.
To date, the EU offers very few advanced programmes in food innovation and/or product design. The
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) offers a national Master in “Life Sciences” with a M2
specialisation in “Food and Beverage Innovation” ( /master) but does not treat product design as a major component of innovation. Wageningen University (WUR) offers a national Master in “Food Technology” with M2 specialisations in “Gastronomy,” “Food innovation and management” and “Product design”. It also offers a joint M2 specialisation, “European Master Degree in Food Studies” (developed with AgroParisTech, Lund and Cork Universities), mainly focused on food technology and product development rather than on innovation management ( This master leads to the only WUR diploma. Finally, the EMMC Sefotech in “Food Science, Technology and Nutrition” ( presents trends of Food Science &Technology and health issues in a global context but offers M2 modules focused only on specific food fields (i.e. cereals, meet, fats & oils, food safety, etc.).
All these programmes are thus aimed at training students either in food innovation management or in food technology but none merges the aspects of food innovation and product design, nor do they offer courses treating the essential interests of packaging sustainability or innovative culinary approaches.
The EMMC-FIPDes added value
is its integrated approach “from materials to packaged product”, including technical, entrepreneurial and
theoretical knowledge in food innovation merged in a teamwork-based learning system. Sustainability
issues are approached in M1 and specifically treated in one of the three available M2 options dealing with food packaging design and logistics. Moreover, the culinary and molecular gastronomy approach is fully integrated into the food design philosophy and will offer interesting and complementary skills for innovation.
The added value and the course contribution to the education and career development is also depicted through a specialised semester offering an industrial/research-based placement in a company or a R&D laboratory in a partner’s or associate member’s institution. This practical semester, along with their involvement with food companies, will assure the students of professional competence and enhanced
employability. External lecturers invited from other institutions of higher education (from EU and third countries), industry, and companies will highly improve students’ creativity and innovation skills while opening their minds to the global food issue.
The Joint FIPDes EMM Course is scheduled over two academic years and will result in the accumulation of 120 ECTS credits.
The aim of the first study year (M1) is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to both food science & technology and innovation management, so as to assure mastery of core-knowledge in these fields.
Mandatory mobility is a fundamental aspect of our approach applicable to all students. Students will attend the first semester of M1 at AgroParisTech (Paris, France) and the second at DIT (Dublin, Ireland).
A strong point of integration among partners and students is the compulsory introduction module,
which will be organized at the beginning of the first semester at AgroParisTech (France) to present the teaching staff from all Consortium institutions and give students practical tips for their stay.
Introductory lectures on the main challenges of food innovation will be given by the teaching staff of Consortium institutions and by guest lecturers from the professional sector. A seminar on food culture will be given to introduce European food culture, society and R&D issues.
In addition to the compulsory core courses, students will choose two optional modules among a list already available in the national AgroParisTech master. This degree of freedom will make it possible for students to develop specific skills in line with their professional project. During the first year of study (M1) students participate in a junior project, a double module covering the two semesters. Teams of students are in charge of managing a practical R&D project related to innovation with the assistance of a professional.
They build their project progressively thank to the different knowledge and skills acquired in both universities.
This joint module strongly structures the first year. The complementary fields covered by DIT and
AgroParisTech modules will make it possible to achieve the junior project goals with success, another added value of mobility.
The second study year (M2) offers three specialisation pathways (options) concerning strategic and
emerging sectors of food product innovation. Each option is based on the partner universities’
research and teaching strengths and can welcome a maximum of seven students. The orientation and
selection of students will be made during M1 by the Consortium Committee. A salient feature of the M2 courses is the close co-operation with industry and interacting within active learning environments.
Detailed description of the course implementation and module description is given in Annex A1-1.
The three options are:
1- Food design and health: Students will attend courses at UNINA (Napoli, Italy). The main goal of this option is to train students in developing functional foods addressing specific health needs (such as hypoallergenicity). They will also receive basic knowledge in food regulations related to health claims. Furthermore, the objective is to provide the students with knowledge in food culture and culinary traditions of Mediterranean countries.
2- Food design and engineering: Students will attend courses at AgroParisTech (Paris, France). The main objective of this option is to give students knowledge and technical skills for process-based food design in order to understand, choose, design and optimise degrees of freedoms on food manufacturing operations. The development of food quality by combining formulation and processing is a key figure of the specialisation. The senior project module strongly structures the student active learning by mobilising theoretical and practical knowledge.
3- Food Packaging Design, Students will attend courses at Lund University (Lund, Sweden).The main objective of this option is to give students knowledge of an integrated systems view of food packaging design in a value chain perspective. The main objective can be divided into sub-objectives which aim at giving students a basic knowledge in packaging technology and development, based on user requirements, product requirements and sustainable development around the package. Furthermore, the objective is to provide the student with in-depth knowledge in how packaging systems influence food supply chains and vice versa, i.e. packaging logistics. The teaching is problem-based which rives the student to investigate the central concepts and principles treated in the course module to gain advanced skills in analyzing complex systems, especially packaging and logistics systems, and carrying out projects in real life.
Strong points of the EMMC-FIPDes:
As shown in the previous scheme, a transversal joint module of Molecular Gastronomy will run over the first two options. This module has been expressly designed for the EMM-FIPDes Course and will be run by the French and Italian partners. This transversal option will be assured by visio- conferences organised by the associate Partners INRA (Hervé This) and Teagasc (Juan Valverde). Practical experiments will be run in parallel at the Italian and French universities. A second transversal joint module of Innovation Integrated Food & Packaging Project will be proposed over second and third options. This module will be run by the Swedish and French partners and co-designed by the two teams. Projects in New Product Development will be proposed to the students and mixed teams will be constituted, composed of two students in France and two students in Sweden. The Swedish part of the team will support the packaging development and the French part will develop the new food. Visio-conferences will be organised for presentations of specific knowledge required to conduct the projects. Students’ teams will have access to free collaborative platforms.
Whatever the specialisation chosen, during the third semester (S3), students will undertake an M2 senior project strictly related to the specialisation issues. This module is called “senior” due to the experience gained during M1. Student teams will be in charge of managing an R&D innovation project in close relationship with a food company. The learning outcomes of these modules will enable students to successfully handle the training period of semester four.
During the fourth semester, students will carry out the training research period (30 ECTS) which will lead to the writing of the Msc Thesis. Topics will be proposed by the EMMC scientific committee and will concern an R&D innovation study developed with the industrial partners and academic associate members. This training period can thus be carried out within the Consortium or one of the Third Country associate members.
Finally, the structure of the joint master is built in such a manner that mobility is learning pathway chosen by each student. It will allow them to accumulate appropriate expertise present in four leading EU institutions to develop a unique professional profile which could not be developed in any one country. One can add that the particular choice of partners is well adapted to this goal as our Consortium includes representatives from Sweden, Italy, France and Ireland, each with the specific cultural and gastronomic history and habits.
samedi 18 septembre 2010
It's in French, because this occurs in Switzerland
Réservez le lundi 11 octobre 2010, le lundi 1er novembre 2010, le lundi 22 novembre 2010, le lundi 13 décembre 2010 et le lundi 28 février 2011 pour les conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire à l'Institut de chimie de l'Université de Neuchâtel.
Les conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 parleront de cuisson !
- lundi 11 octobre 2010 : C-M Hladik, cuisson et évolution humaine
- lundi 1er novembre 2010 : J. Rebetez, "cuisson" de la bière
- lundi 22 novembre 2010 : P. Crevoisier, cuisson du riz
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
"La cuisson des aliments qui les rend plus digestes et qui permet d’obtenir une plus grande quantité d’énergie - notamment en dépolymérisant les molécules d’amidon des tubercules sauvages - est une condition essentielle à l’évolution des espèces humaines qui aboutit à l’Homo sapiens actuel. Car l’encéphale humain, gros consommateur d’énergie, n’aurait pas pu évoluer en parallèle avec la réduction de la denture si les aliments crus étaient les seuls consommés" (C-M Hladik)
Grand Auditoire de l'Institut de Chimie (GGA), Avenue de Bellevaux 51, Neuchâtel
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
Les conférences de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2010-2011 parleront de cuisson !
- lundi 11 octobre 2010 : C-M Hladik, cuisson et évolution humaine
- lundi 1er novembre 2010 : J. Rebetez, "cuisson" de la bière
- lundi 22 novembre 2010 : P. Crevoisier, cuisson du riz
- lundi 13 décembre 2010 : J-P Derenne, cuisson à la bouilloire
- lundi 28 février 2011 : A. Peyron, modélisation de la cuisson de la viande
"La cuisson des aliments qui les rend plus digestes et qui permet d’obtenir une plus grande quantité d’énergie - notamment en dépolymérisant les molécules d’amidon des tubercules sauvages - est une condition essentielle à l’évolution des espèces humaines qui aboutit à l’Homo sapiens actuel. Car l’encéphale humain, gros consommateur d’énergie, n’aurait pas pu évoluer en parallèle avec la réduction de la denture si les aliments crus étaient les seuls consommés" (C-M Hladik)
Grand Auditoire de l'Institut de Chimie (GGA), Avenue de Bellevaux 51, Neuchâtel
Avec le soutien de Philip Morris International
Tout de bon
Marc Heyraud
jeudi 16 septembre 2010
mercredi 15 septembre 2010
Let's play with sugars
Dear Friends,
I am happy to announce the Sixth Contest Science, Art and Cooking :
Let's use oses
We all know the taste of sucrose, but what about maltose, isomalt, glucose, fructose, rebaudioside A, extracted from stevia?
The participants will:
-create a dish of their choice for which a jury will appreciate the various sweet tastes (yes, there are many sweet tastes)
- use the density of oses for creating cocktails with layers, and no alcohol.
This contest is open to all: students of culinary schools or scientific institutions, experts, etc.
It's free. For application (latest date 30 September 2010) or for information, please contact
Odile Renaudin
Directrice des Rencontres Sciences, Art & Cuisine
I am happy to announce the Sixth Contest Science, Art and Cooking :
Let's use oses
We all know the taste of sucrose, but what about maltose, isomalt, glucose, fructose, rebaudioside A, extracted from stevia?
The participants will:
-create a dish of their choice for which a jury will appreciate the various sweet tastes (yes, there are many sweet tastes)
- use the density of oses for creating cocktails with layers, and no alcohol.
This contest is open to all: students of culinary schools or scientific institutions, experts, etc.
It's free. For application (latest date 30 September 2010) or for information, please contact
Odile Renaudin
Directrice des Rencontres Sciences, Art & Cuisine
dimanche 12 septembre 2010
Published this week
jeudi 9 septembre 2010
From Argentina
Respondiendo a todos los pedidos recibidos... abrimos a todo el público interesado la:
Disertante: Mónica Jakubavicius - Pastelera- Especialista en CHOCOLATE
(mail: y web: )
Esta charla está destinada a los que sienten un placer especial por el chocolate y también a los que quieren iniciarse en este camino chocolatero.
Es una breve guía a través de la historia del chocolate y del origen del árbol de cacao. Desde sus inicios, cuando se usaba como moneda de cambio, hasta las tendencias más actuales. También habrá una visión sobre el futuro del chocolate y algunos parámetros de calidad.
Para poder descubrir las delicias que ofrece el grano de cacao en su estado puro y los matices especiales de cada variedad habrá una degustación guiada, poniendo en movimiento todos los sentidos.
Cuándo? martes 21 de septiembre- 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 100 (PRECIO PROMOCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción ? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
Disertante: Mónica Jakubavicius - Pastelera- Especialista en CHOCOLATE
(mail: y web: )
Esta charla está destinada a los que sienten un placer especial por el chocolate y también a los que quieren iniciarse en este camino chocolatero.
Es una breve guía a través de la historia del chocolate y del origen del árbol de cacao. Desde sus inicios, cuando se usaba como moneda de cambio, hasta las tendencias más actuales. También habrá una visión sobre el futuro del chocolate y algunos parámetros de calidad.
Para poder descubrir las delicias que ofrece el grano de cacao en su estado puro y los matices especiales de cada variedad habrá una degustación guiada, poniendo en movimiento todos los sentidos.
Cuándo? martes 21 de septiembre- 19 hs
Cuál es el costo? $ 100 (PRECIO PROMOCIONAL). Se abona en el lugar. Socios: 20% descuento
Dónde? ESPACIO AZAI : Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Inscripción ? inscripción sólo por mail a:
Un abrazo y los esperamos!!
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
mercredi 1 septembre 2010
The summer is indeed wonderful for thinking: I realized in particular that the title that I announced for the next Course 2011 of Molecular Gastronomy (De l'expérience au calcul, ie From Experiment toward Calculation) :
- was the general title of the course, and, hence, not specific enough
- did not tell anything of the real concent.
Accordingly, I propose changes, and the new title, corresponding to a different content (compared to the intial one) was the basis for the works in view of preparing the course. This new title is :
Exploring Cooking
Applications can be made at :,1887-.html
The dates did not change.
Vive la gourmandise éclairée !
- was the general title of the course, and, hence, not specific enough
- did not tell anything of the real concent.
Accordingly, I propose changes, and the new title, corresponding to a different content (compared to the intial one) was the basis for the works in view of preparing the course. This new title is :
Exploring Cooking
Applications can be made at :,1887-.html
The dates did not change.
Vive la gourmandise éclairée !
Dear Friends
the next meeting of the Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires will take place the 3rd Monday of September, i.e. the 20th of September 2010.
Place of the meeting : Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, 28 bis rue de l'abbé Grégoire, 75006 Paris.
Agenda : 16.00/18.00
The topic chosen is :
Do soufflés collapse when the oven's door is opened during cooking ?
Vive la gourmandise éclairée
the next meeting of the Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires will take place the 3rd Monday of September, i.e. the 20th of September 2010.
Place of the meeting : Ecole supérieure de cuisine française, 28 bis rue de l'abbé Grégoire, 75006 Paris.
Agenda : 16.00/18.00
The topic chosen is :
Do soufflés collapse when the oven's door is opened during cooking ?
Vive la gourmandise éclairée
mardi 31 août 2010
New Erasmus Mundus Master Course
I am very happy to announce here that the Master Course Erasmus Mundus titled "Erasmus Mundus Food Innovation and Product Design" was accepted by the European Community.
The details are :
Reference: 512319-1-2010-1-FR-EMMC
Title: Food Innovation and Product Design
Beneficiary organisation: AGROPARISTECH, France
Coordinator contact details:
Dr Barbara REGA
SPAB Department
Avenue des Olympiades, 1
FR - 91744 Massy
Tel.:+33 (0)1 69 93 51 33 Email:
Vive la gourmandise éclairée (= celebrate enlightened gourmandise)!
The details are :
Reference: 512319-1-2010-1-FR-EMMC
Title: Food Innovation and Product Design
Beneficiary organisation: AGROPARISTECH, France
Coordinator contact details:
Dr Barbara REGA
SPAB Department
Avenue des Olympiades, 1
FR - 91744 Massy
Tel.:+33 (0)1 69 93 51 33 Email:
Vive la gourmandise éclairée (= celebrate enlightened gourmandise)!
samedi 21 août 2010
Next meeting of the French "seminars"
Indeed our seminars of molecular gastronomy in Paris moved :
- the title is no longer "seminar of molecular gastronomy", but "Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires" (Group of study of culinary precisions), because this is more appropriate to our real work
- the date changed from the 3rd Thursday of the month to the 3rd Monday of the month.
There is no meeting in August. The next one is the 20th of September
Have a nice summer.
- the title is no longer "seminar of molecular gastronomy", but "Groupe d'étude des précisions culinaires" (Group of study of culinary precisions), because this is more appropriate to our real work
- the date changed from the 3rd Thursday of the month to the 3rd Monday of the month.
There is no meeting in August. The next one is the 20th of September
Have a nice summer.
vendredi 20 août 2010
From Argentina :
Si no puede ver el contenido del mensaje hacer clic aquí:
¨Explorando un mundo de sensaciones¨
taller a cargo de la Dra Susana Fiszman (ESPAÑA) Jueves 26 de agosto-19 hs
Tenemos el lujo de poder contar con esta reconocida científica que estará en Buenos Aires y que en lenguaje sencillo nos deleitará con sus conocimientos que seguramente se transformarán en valiosísimas herramientas a la hora de diseñar un plato.
En este taller teórico-experimental exploraremos por ejemplo cómo actúan los sentidos durante la ingestión de alimentos; cómo aparece la representación del sabor, el aroma, la textura y otras sensaciones en el cerebro y cómo interactúan. Qué ocurre en la boca durante la masticación o ingestión del alimento hasta reducirlo a algo "apto" para tragarse, etc, etc . ..
Dra Susana Fiszman, Investigadora Científica del Grupo de Propiedades Físicas y Sensoriales del Departamento de Conservación y Calidad de Alimentos del Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC) de Valencia , ESPAÑA y miembro activo del grupo INDAGA.
* Jueves 26 de agosto 19 hs
* ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest ( Bs As-Argentina
Cuál es el costo?
* $100 y se abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento
Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo por mail
La reserva de vacante se hará efectiva una vez que hayas recibido el mail de confirmación de la misma.
Los esperamos !
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
¨Explorando un mundo de sensaciones¨
taller a cargo de la Dra Susana Fiszman (ESPAÑA) Jueves 26 de agosto-19 hs
Tenemos el lujo de poder contar con esta reconocida científica que estará en Buenos Aires y que en lenguaje sencillo nos deleitará con sus conocimientos que seguramente se transformarán en valiosísimas herramientas a la hora de diseñar un plato.
En este taller teórico-experimental exploraremos por ejemplo cómo actúan los sentidos durante la ingestión de alimentos; cómo aparece la representación del sabor, el aroma, la textura y otras sensaciones en el cerebro y cómo interactúan. Qué ocurre en la boca durante la masticación o ingestión del alimento hasta reducirlo a algo "apto" para tragarse, etc, etc . ..
Dra Susana Fiszman, Investigadora Científica del Grupo de Propiedades Físicas y Sensoriales del Departamento de Conservación y Calidad de Alimentos del Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC) de Valencia , ESPAÑA y miembro activo del grupo INDAGA.
* Jueves 26 de agosto 19 hs
* ESPACIO AZAI Virrey Loreto 3795, esquina con Charlone, a dos cuadras de Alvarez Thomas y Forest ( Bs As-Argentina
Cuál es el costo?
* $100 y se abona en el lugar. Socios 20% descuento
Cupos limitados, inscripción sólo por mail
La reserva de vacante se hará efectiva una vez que hayas recibido el mail de confirmación de la misma.
Los esperamos !
Mariana y Silvia
Mariana Koppmann y Silvia Grünbaum
Asociación Argentina de Gastronomía Molecular
From Cuba
Dear Friends
an announcement from Maria Esther and the team teachers in Cuba :
The next meeting of the Molecular Gastronomy will take place on Wednesday, October 20 ....because this day is The National Culture in Cuba .... The topic will be :
Curing and glazing the meat and the glaze meat ; sensory evaluation.
Also, an argument is being written in order to make a film .... about the Cinephiles & Gourmets ......and in this film we will talk about the Molecular Gastronomy
an announcement from Maria Esther and the team teachers in Cuba :
The next meeting of the Molecular Gastronomy will take place on Wednesday, October 20 ....because this day is The National Culture in Cuba .... The topic will be :
Curing and glazing the meat and the glaze meat ; sensory evaluation.
Also, an argument is being written in order to make a film .... about the Cinephiles & Gourmets ......and in this film we will talk about the Molecular Gastronomy
lundi 26 juillet 2010
A new group in France
In France, we just decided the creation of a new Group "Flavor and Formulation". The aim is to organize scientific meetings, so that technology transfer is as fast as possible, in view of innovation.
The aim is not to make technological developments instead of the industry, but rather to identify successful scientists whose works are interesting for the (food) industry.
Celebrate Knowledge and its Application
The aim is not to make technological developments instead of the industry, but rather to identify successful scientists whose works are interesting for the (food) industry.
Celebrate Knowledge and its Application
mercredi 14 juillet 2010
A announcement from UK
Good news from Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University has decided to run the 'Kitchen Science' course next year. This will be taught to teachers of Food Technology and Catering. Watch this space!
Best regards,
David Mason
Best regards,
David Mason
From New York
Dear Dr. This:
Thanks for sending along the list of active organizations participating in Molecular Gastronomy. You may be interested to know that I have been asked to give a plenary lecture at the Biennial Conference in Chemical Education in the United States this summer, on August 5. I am including an abstract below. The location (Denton, in North Texas), may be of some interest for fans of armadillo racing and Texas-style Barbecue.
I know we share a great enthusiasm for getting students excited about science through a presentation of topics related to food and cooking.
Thanks once again for your support.
Kind regards,
"Taste Science! Engaged Learning at the Interface of Chemistry and Cuisine"
Prof. Kent Kirshenbaum
New York University, Department of Chemistry
Everyone eats. This simple fact makes food a relevant topic of scientific inquiry for the entire population. Opportunities abound to engage students and the public in scientific investigations through an exploration of food and cooking. Cooking instruction is gaining popularity as entertainment and as a central focus for improving public health. A study of cooking thus provides a palatable route to foster an appreciation for the scientific method and the chemical composition of matter. The Experimental Cuisine Collective was initiated at New York University to provide a venue for science outreach. The Collective gathers students, chefs, scientists, nutritionists, writers, and artists for dynamic interdisciplinary discussions of the overlapping influences of science and cooking. Scientific topics presented to general audiences include polymer chemistry, hydrophobic interactions, pH dependence of reaction rates, and molecular neuroscience. Demonstrations are inherently multise
nsory, and engage students through sight, taste, texture, and aroma. We highlight the chemical investigation of foods such as: stretchy ice cream, mango caviar, liquid smoke, and an unusual combination dessert topping/floor wax. Our objectives are to excite students about chemistry, to formulate new recipes, to encourage cooking skills at every level, to impart knowledge relevant for making dietary choices, and to improve human health.
This science outreach program is supported by the National Science Foundation through a CAREER award and supplement (#0645361).
Kent Kirshenbaum
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
New York University phone: 212-998-8486
New York, NY 10003
Thanks for sending along the list of active organizations participating in Molecular Gastronomy. You may be interested to know that I have been asked to give a plenary lecture at the Biennial Conference in Chemical Education in the United States this summer, on August 5. I am including an abstract below. The location (Denton, in North Texas), may be of some interest for fans of armadillo racing and Texas-style Barbecue.
I know we share a great enthusiasm for getting students excited about science through a presentation of topics related to food and cooking.
Thanks once again for your support.
Kind regards,
"Taste Science! Engaged Learning at the Interface of Chemistry and Cuisine"
Prof. Kent Kirshenbaum
New York University, Department of Chemistry
Everyone eats. This simple fact makes food a relevant topic of scientific inquiry for the entire population. Opportunities abound to engage students and the public in scientific investigations through an exploration of food and cooking. Cooking instruction is gaining popularity as entertainment and as a central focus for improving public health. A study of cooking thus provides a palatable route to foster an appreciation for the scientific method and the chemical composition of matter. The Experimental Cuisine Collective was initiated at New York University to provide a venue for science outreach. The Collective gathers students, chefs, scientists, nutritionists, writers, and artists for dynamic interdisciplinary discussions of the overlapping influences of science and cooking. Scientific topics presented to general audiences include polymer chemistry, hydrophobic interactions, pH dependence of reaction rates, and molecular neuroscience. Demonstrations are inherently multise
nsory, and engage students through sight, taste, texture, and aroma. We highlight the chemical investigation of foods such as: stretchy ice cream, mango caviar, liquid smoke, and an unusual combination dessert topping/floor wax. Our objectives are to excite students about chemistry, to formulate new recipes, to encourage cooking skills at every level, to impart knowledge relevant for making dietary choices, and to improve human health.
This science outreach program is supported by the National Science Foundation through a CAREER award and supplement (#0645361).
Kent Kirshenbaum
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
New York University phone: 212-998-8486
New York, NY 10003
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